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Fruit and vegetables promoted through a collective publication by FAO and Cl RAD

机译:通过粮农组织和Cl RAD的集体出版物推广水果和蔬菜

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The book “FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: Opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming” is soon to be launched! The purpose of this article is not to duplicate its content; rather to explain its genesis and the long-term collective effortsover three years to come to an exceptional deliverable.Brief (hi)story of the bookIn mid-2017, when FAO’s Plant Production and Protection Division contacted CIRAD to share the authorship of this book, the idea was to build on the experience of CIRAD and partner network including ISHS, inherited from the past Global Horticulture Initiative (Lumpkin, 2007). The purpose was to integrate different visions of horticulture, including testimonies from the members of the FAO-led discussion group Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI) of horticulture crop-based system on the onehand, and the research- and innovation-oriented views of scientists on the other hand. In the meantime, the UN declared 2021 the “International Year for Fruits and Vegetables”, and from late 2019, it was therefore decided that the book should contribute directly to the promotion of the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV), by focusing on the sustainable production systems of fruit and vegetable crops.
机译:《水果和蔬菜:小规模可持续农业的机遇与挑战》一书即将推出!本文的目的不是重复其内容;而是解释它的起源和三年来的长期集体努力,以达到一个特殊的可交付成果。2017年年中,粮农组织植物生产及保护司与CIRAD联系,分享本书的作者身份,其想法是借鉴CIRAD和合作伙伴网络(包括ISHS)的经验,这些经验继承自过去的全球园艺倡议(Lumpkin,2007)。其目的是整合园艺的不同愿景,包括粮农组织领导的园艺作物系统可持续作物生产集约化(SCPI)讨论小组成员的证词,以及科学家以研究和创新为导向的观点。与此同时,联合国宣布 2021 年为“国际果蔬年”,因此从 2019 年底开始,该书应通过关注果蔬作物的可持续生产系统,直接为促进国际果蔬年 (IYFV) 做出贡献。




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