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EGA publishes 2020 Sustainability Report


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Emirates Global Aluminium has recently published its new sustainability report, which details the company’s environmental, social and governance performance in the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Guinea in 2020. Below, some of the key statements made in the report. EGA is an integrated aluminium producer in the UAE, with operations from bauxite mining to the production of primary alumin-ium. EGA operates aluminium smelters in Jebel Ali and Al Taweelah (production in 2020: 2.5m tonnes of cast metal), an alumina refinery in Al Taweelah (1.9m tonnes), a bauxite mine (10.3m tonnes) in Guinea. The company supplies more than 400 customers in 57 countries across the world.
机译:阿联酋全球铝业公司最近发布了新的可持续发展报告,详细介绍了公司2020年在阿拉伯联合酋长国和几内亚共和国的环境、社会和治理绩效。以下是报告中的一些关键陈述。EGA是阿联酋的一家综合性铝生产商,业务从铝土矿开采到原铝生产。EGA在Jebel Ali和Al Taweelah经营铝冶炼厂(2020年产量:2.5m吨铸造金属),Al Taweelah的氧化铝精炼厂(1.9m吨),几内亚的铝土矿(10.3m吨)。该公司为全球 57 个国家/地区的 400 多家客户提供服务。




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