首页> 外文期刊>Plant and cell physiology >Effect of Common ER Stress-Inducing Drugs on the Growth and Lipid Phenotypes of Chlamydomonas and Arabidopsis

Effect of Common ER Stress-Inducing Drugs on the Growth and Lipid Phenotypes of Chlamydomonas and Arabidopsis


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Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is caused by the stressinduced accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER. Several compounds are used to induce the unfolded protein response (UPR) in animals, with different modes of action, but which ER stress-inducing drugs induce ER stress in microalgae or land plants is unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of seven chemicals that were reported to induce ER stress in animals on the growth, UPR gene expression and fatty acid profiles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Chlamydomonas) and Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis): 2-deoxyglucose, dithiothreitol (DTT), tunicamycin (TM), thapsigargin, brefeldin A (BFA), monensin (MON) and eeyarestatin I. In both model photosynthetic organisms, DTT, TM, BFA and MON treatment induced ER stress, as indicated by the induction of spliced bZIP1 and bZIP60, respectively. In Chlamydomonas, DTT, TM and BFA treatment induced the production of transcripts related to lipid biosynthesis, but MON treatment did not. In Arabidopsis, DTT, TM, BFA and MON inhibited seed germination and seedling growth with the activation of bZIP60. These findings lay the foundation for using four types of ER stress-inducing drugs in photosynthetic organisms, and they help uncover the mode of action of each compound.
机译:内质网 (ER) 应激是由应激诱导的内质网中未折叠蛋白的积累引起的。几种化合物用于诱导动物的未折叠蛋白反应 (UPR),具有不同的作用方式,但尚不清楚哪些内质网应激诱导药物在微藻或陆地植物中诱导内质网应激。在这项研究中,我们检查了据报道在动物中诱导内质网应激的七种化学物质对莱茵衣藻(衣原体)和拟南芥(拟南芥)的生长、UPR 基因表达和脂肪酸谱的影响:2-脱氧葡萄糖、二硫苏糖醇 (DTT)、衣霉素 (TM)、thapsigargin、brefeldin A (BFA)、monensin (MON) 和 eeyarestatin I。在两种模式光合生物中,DTT、TM、BFA和MON处理诱导了内质网应激,分别诱导了剪接的bZIP1和bZIP60。在衣藻中,DTT、TM和BFA处理诱导了与脂质生物合成相关的转录本的产生,但MON处理没有。在拟南芥中,DTT、TM、BFA和MON通过激活bZIP60抑制种子萌发和幼苗生长。这些发现为在光合生物中使用四种类型的内质网应激诱导药物奠定了基础,它们有助于揭示每种化合物的作用方式。




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