
Saclay campus hub


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You hear the clangs of construction taking place on the Plateau de Saclay before you emerge from Orsay's leafy woods. Over the past 15 years, a campus has been mushrooming here, some 30 kilometres south of Paris, though it has been longer in the making. In his 1994 book Technopoles of the World, Manuel Castells heralded the cluster of scientific research institutions in Orsay - then the Universite Paris-Sud -as a potential French Silicon Valley. Under Nicolas Sarkozy's administration, and with €5.3 billion in state funding, the Orsay campus was expanded onto the plateau above, merging more than a dozen institutions and becoming, officially, the Universite Paris-Saclay in 2020. The campus is still growing. A winding climb from Orsay's town centre delivers visitors onto the plateau's grid of gleaming new-builds, car parks and construction sites. There are plenty of cars here - the campus is still waiting for the completion of a Metro link - but hardly any people. This changes once on the Rue Sophie Germain (named after the French 19th-century mathematician), which soon gives way to an expansive pedestrianised piazza. Towering over the square is a multi-storey edifice of concrete, glass and steel - half-frame and half-building. This is the so-called Lieu de Vie (place for life), a space where students can meet, eat, join a Zumba class or play basketball. On a weekday just before noon, it is indeed a place where life can be found: students are enjoying coffees from the ground-floor cafe, lounging in the shade of the mezzanine overhead. A food van has pulled up in front of the building and is busy getting ready for the lunchtime rush.
机译:在你从奥赛绿树成荫的树林中出来之前,你会听到萨克雷高原上建筑的叮当声。在过去的 15 年里,位于巴黎以南约 30 公里处的校园如雨后春笋般涌现,尽管它的酝酿时间更长。曼努埃尔·卡斯特尔斯(Manuel Castells)在1994年出版的《世界技术极点》(Technopoles of the World)一书中,将奥赛(当时的巴黎南部大学)的科研机构集群称为潜在的法国硅谷。在尼古拉·萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)的领导下,在53亿欧元的国家资助下,奥赛校区扩展到了上面的高原,合并了十几所机构,并于2020年正式成为巴黎萨克雷大学。校园仍在发展。从奥赛市中心蜿蜒而上,游客将游客带到高原上闪闪发光的新建建筑、停车场和建筑工地。这里有很多汽车 - 校园仍在等待地铁连接的完成 - 但几乎没有人。在索菲日耳曼街(以法国 19 世纪数学家的名字命名)上,这种情况发生了变化,很快就让位于一个广阔的步行广场。耸立在广场上的是一座由混凝土、玻璃和钢材组成的多层建筑——一半是框架,一半是建筑。这就是所谓的 Lieu de Vie(生活之地),学生可以在这里见面、吃饭、参加尊巴舞课程或打篮球。在中午前的工作日,它确实是一个可以找到生活的地方:学生们在一楼的咖啡馆里享用咖啡,在头顶夹层的树荫下闲逛。一辆餐车停在大楼前,正忙着为午餐时间做准备。




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