首页> 外文期刊>CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL >Ablation behavior of thin-blade co-deposited C/Cx-SiCy composites under the influence of the complex fluid conditions of the oxyacetylene torch

Ablation behavior of thin-blade co-deposited C/Cx-SiCy composites under the influence of the complex fluid conditions of the oxyacetylene torch


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? 2022 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.This paper offers a new way of testing the ablation property of material under an oxyacetylene torch using a thin-blade specimen, which costs much less time to reach the maximum temperature and provides a harsh turbulence fluid field that's closer to reality. The thin-blade specimen experiences a higher turbulent intensity than the traditional disk-like specimen, leading to more efficient heat exchange. The fluid field simulation agrees with the testing results. In addition, we manage to synthesize the C/Cx-SiCy composites with the co-deposition chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) method. The C/Cx-SiCy composites exhibit a similar anti-ablation property as C/C composites and consist of enough SiC phase simultaneously, combining the advantages of both C/C composites and C/SiC composites. The thin-blade C/Cx-SiCy composites show a lower linear ablation rate (1.6 μm/s) than C/C composites (4.1 μm/s) and C/SiC composites (19.6 μm/s) during the oxyacetylene test. The glass layer formed on the surface of C/Cx-SiCy could cling to the bulk material instead of peeling off due to the high PyC content in the matrix could protect the SiO2 from blowing away.
机译:?2022 Elsevier Ltd 和 Techna Group S.r.l.本文提供了一种使用薄刀片试样在氧乙炔焊炬下测试材料烧蚀性能的新方法,该试样达到最高温度所需的时间要短得多,并提供更接近现实的恶劣湍流流体场。薄叶试样比传统的圆盘状试样具有更高的湍流强度,从而实现更有效的热交换。流体场模拟结果与测试结果吻合。此外,我们还设法用共沉积化学气相渗透(CVI)方法合成了C/Cx-SiCy复合材料。C/Cx-SiCy复合材料具有与C/C复合材料相似的抗烧蚀性能,同时由足够的SiC相组成,兼具C/C复合材料和C/SiC复合材料的优点。在氧乙炔试验中,薄刀片C/Cx-SiCy复合材料的线性烧蚀速率(1.6 μm/s)低于C/C复合材料(4.1 μm/s)和C/SiC复合材料(19.6 μm/s)。由于基体中PyC含量高,C/Cx-SiCy表面形成的玻璃层可以粘附在块状材料上而不是剥落,可以保护SiO2不被吹走。




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