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Simple optical criterion of the ripeness level of strawberries


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Reflection spectra from strawberries of four botanical varieties at sewn different ripeness levels were investigated. in the visible range of 400-700 nm. Reflection spectra of unripe berries exhibit two maxima at wavelengths of 550 and 700 nm and a characteristic dip between them in the range of chlorophyl absorption at 670-680 nm. In the course of ripening, a significant transformation of the first maximum occurs up until its complete disappearance from the spectra of overripe berries, along with its shift to the long wavelength range of the visible spectrum. A gradual increase in the reflection coefficient at the wavelength of 670 nm and smoothening of the spectral curve of ripe and overripe berries are observed at the same time. We established that the ratio of reflection coefficients at the wavelengths of 670 and 630 nm, R-670/R-630, can serve as a universal ripeness criterion, including the final ripening stages. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group
机译:研究了4个植物品种在不同成熟度下的草莓的反射光谱。在400-700nm的可见光范围内。未成熟浆果的反射光谱在550和700 nm波长处表现出两个最大值,并且在670-680 nm处的叶绿素吸收范围内它们之间存在特征性下降。在成熟过程中,第一个最大值发生了显着的转变,直到它从过熟浆果的光谱中完全消失,同时转移到可见光谱的长波长范围。同时观察到670 nm波长处反射系数的逐渐增加和成熟浆果和过熟浆果的光谱曲线平滑。我们确定,670 nm 和 630 nm 波长处的反射系数之比 R-670/R-630 可以作为通用成熟度标准,包括最终成熟阶段。(C) 2022 Optica 出版集团




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