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Main Features of Business English Translation and Teaching Model Optimization Based on the Logistic Model


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With the continuous development of global trade in recent years, business English has received more and more attention as a medium of communication. Business English is a branch ofEnglish, and in order to meet the practical needs in business, business English is involved in various business disciplines from foreign trade to international logistics, to economics, foreign trade correspondence, law, and so on, which need to be translated in a more targeted manner. Therefore, there are many professional tutorials for business English in the market to guide trade personnel in business English translation. Many scholars have also conducted comprehensive studies on business English translation, some starting from its stylistic features and some focusing on translation skills, but fewer scholars have conducted studies on business English translation through models, and there is still a lack of theoretical basis for how to effectively improve the translation ofbusiness English. Therefore, in order to reduce the friction between different cultures in trade, promote business English better, and provide convenience for foreign traders, this study will implement the basic principles of “faithfulness, elegance” in English translation, with the aim of improving the practicality and effectiveness of business English, mainly from the main features of business English translation, and then, in the process of analysis, we mainly use the logistic model to analyze the characteristics of business English translation, including timeliness, professionalism, uniqueness, and diversity. The final analysis results show that the influence of professionalism and diversity on the effect ofbusiness English translation is more obvious, and we need to carry out a special teaching mode for these two points. The final analysis shows that professionalism and diversity have a significant impact on the effectiveness of business English translation, and special teaching models are needed to optimize these two points.
机译:近年来,随着全球贸易的不断发展,商务英语作为一种交流媒介越来越受到重视。商务英语是英语的一个分支,为了满足商务中的实际需求,商务英语涉及从外贸到国际物流,再到经济学、外贸函授、法律等各个商务学科,需要更有针对性地进行翻译。因此,市面上有很多商务英语专业教程,指导贸易人员进行商务英语翻译。许多学者也对商务英语翻译进行了全面的研究,有的从文体特点出发,有的侧重于翻译技巧,但通过模型对商务英语翻译进行研究的学者较少,如何有效提高商务英语的翻译水平还缺乏理论依据。因此,为了减少贸易中不同文化之间的摩擦,更好地推广商务英语,为外贸人士提供便利,本研究将贯彻“忠实、优雅”的基本原则,以提高商务英语的实用性和有效性,主要从商务英语翻译的主要特点出发, 然后,在分析过程中,我们主要利用逻辑模型来分析商务英语翻译的特点,包括时效性、专业性、独特性、多样性等。最终的分析结果表明,专业性和多样性对商务英语翻译效果的影响更为明显,需要针对这两点开展专门的教学模式。最终分析表明,专业性和多样性对商务英语翻译的有效性有显著影响,需要特殊的教学模式来优化这两点。




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