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Beyond the COVID-19 crisis: A research note on post-pandemic scenarios for South Tyrol 2030+

机译:超越 COVID-19 危机:关于南蒂罗尔 2030+ 大流行后情景的研究说明

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The COVID-19 pandemic has hit societies all around the globe, with tremendous consequences. Beyond its impact on individual and public health, the ensuing crisis has also accentuated existing social and economic problems and, in many cases, exacerbated them. In this context, a central question arises: How can societies be better prepared for the future? This research note presents an example of strategic foresight as an instrument for better understanding systemic challenges, anticipating the emergent risks and opportunities and informing future-proof decision-making. More specifically, it reflects central insights of a regional foresight project that aimed at exploring development pathways of the Italian province South Tyrol for the next 10 years and beyond (2030+). Delineating four plausible, equivalent and consistent scenarios and their entailed challenges, risks and opportunities for South Tyrol, the project offers a future-oriented policy instrument for political, economic and civil actors and key stakeholders. Instead of a classic empirical outlet, the article is prepared as a research note that, beyond sketching the scenarios, shares the project experiences, lessons learned, challenges and success factors for other future regional foresight endeavors.
机译:COVID-19 大流行袭击了全球社会,造成了巨大的后果。除了对个人和公共卫生的影响外,随之而来的危机还加剧了现有的社会和经济问题,并在许多情况下加剧了这些问题。在这种情况下,出现了一个核心问题:社会如何才能更好地为未来做好准备?本研究报告举例说明了战略远见,作为更好地了解系统性挑战、预测新出现的风险和机遇以及为面向未来的决策提供信息的工具。更具体地说,它反映了一个区域展望项目的核心见解,该项目旨在探索意大利南蒂罗尔省未来 10 年及以后(2030+)的发展道路。该项目描绘了南蒂罗尔的四种似是而非、等效和一致的情景及其带来的挑战、风险和机遇,为政治、经济和民间行为者以及主要利益攸关方提供了面向未来的政策工具。这篇文章不是经典的实证文章,而是作为研究报告编写的,除了勾勒情景外,还分享了其他未来区域前瞻性工作的项目经验、教训、挑战和成功因素。




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