首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Urban environments provide new perspectives for forecasting vegetation phenology responses under climate warming

Urban environments provide new perspectives for forecasting vegetation phenology responses under climate warming


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Abstract Given that already‐observed temperature increase within cities far exceeds the projected global temperature rise by the end of the century, urban environments often offer a unique opportunity for studying ecosystem response to future warming. However, the validity of thermal gradients in space serving as a substitute for those in time is rarely tested. Here, we investigated vegetation phenology dynamics in China's 343 cities and empirically test whether phenological responses to spatial temperature rise in urban settings can substitute for those to temporal temperature rise in their natural counterparts based on satellite‐derived vegetation phenology and land surface temperature from 2003 to 2018. We found prevalent advancing spring phenology with “high confidence” and delaying autumn phenology with “medium confidence” under the context of widespread urban warming. Furthermore, we showed that space cannot substitute for time in predicting phenological shifts under climate warming at the national scale and for most cities. The thresholds of ~11°C mean annual temperature and ~600 mm annual precipitation differentiated the magnitude of phenological sensitivity to temperature across space and through time. Below those thresholds, there existed stronger advanced spring phenology and delayed autumn phenology across the spatial urbanization gradients than through time, and vice versa. Despite the complex and diverse relationships between phenological sensitivities across space and through time, we found that the directions of the temperature changes across spatial gradients were converged (i.e., mostly increased), but divergent through temporal gradients (i.e., increased or decreased without a predominant direction). Similarly, vegetation phenology changes more uniformly over space than through time. These results suggested that the urban environments provide a real‐world condition to understand vegetation phenology response under future warming.
机译:摘要 鉴于已经观测到的城市内温度升高远远超过预计到本世纪末全球温度上升,城市环境通常为研究生态系统对未来变暖的响应提供了独特的机会。然而,空间中的热梯度作为时间梯度的替代品的有效性很少得到检验。本文研究了中国343个城市植被物候动态,并基于2003—2018年卫星植被物候和地表温度,实证检验了城市环境对空间温度升高的物候响应是否可以替代自然环境对时间温度升高的响应。我们发现,在城市大范围变暖的背景下,春季物候学普遍以“高置信度”提前,秋季物候学以“中等置信度”延迟。此外,我们表明,在预测全国范围内和大多数城市气候变暖下的物候变化时,空间不能代替时间。~11°C的年平均温度和~600 mm的年降水量阈值区分了物候对温度的敏感性程度。低于这些阈值,在空间城市化梯度上存在更强的先进春季物候和延迟的秋季物候,反之亦然。尽管物候敏感性在空间和时间上存在复杂多样的关系,但我们发现,温度变化的方向在空间梯度上是收敛的(即大部分增加),但通过时间梯度是发散的(即,增加或减少而没有主导方向)。同样,植被物候随空间的变化比随时间的变化更均匀。这些结果表明,城市环境为理解未来变暖下植被物候响应提供了真实世界的条件。




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