首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural pharmacology >Baclofen and naltrexone, but not N-acetylcysteine, affect voluntary alcohol drinking in rats regardless of individual levels of alcohol intake

Baclofen and naltrexone, but not N-acetylcysteine, affect voluntary alcohol drinking in rats regardless of individual levels of alcohol intake

机译:巴氯芬和纳曲酮(但不影响 N-乙酰半胱氨酸)影响大鼠的自愿饮酒,无论个体的酒精摄入水平如何

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In humans, there is profound individual variation in the risk of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Because GABA, opioid and glutamate neurotransmission have been implicated in AUD, functional differences in these neural systems may underlie the individual vulnerability to AUD. We therefore determined the effects of drugs affecting GABA, opioid and glutamatergic neurotransmission on alcohol consumption in rats that differed in baseline alcohol intake. Subgroups of low-, medium- and high-alcohol-drinking rats were selected on the basis of alcohol consumption using an intermittent alcohol access procedure. The subgroups were treated with the GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen, the opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone and the cysteine precursor N-acetylcysteine, and the effects on alcohol intake and preference were determined. Both baclofen and naltrexone reduced alcohol consumption, but N-acetylcysteine did not. These effects were comparable for low-, medium- and high-alcohol-drinking rats. However, there was a substantial degree of individual variation in the responsivity to baclofen and naltrexone, across the subgroups. Taken together, these results suggest that variation in alcohol consumption does not predict the responsivity to baclofen and naltrexone. This implies that individual variability in alcohol consumption on the one hand and sensitivity to treatment with these drugs on the other hand represent separate processes that likely involve distinct biological mechanisms.
机译:在人类中,酒精使用障碍 (AUD) 的风险存在显着的个体差异。由于GABA、阿片类药物和谷氨酸神经传递与AUD有关,因此这些神经系统的功能差异可能是个体对AUD易感性的基础。因此,我们确定了影响GABA、阿片类药物和谷氨酸能神经传递的药物对基线酒精摄入量不同的大鼠饮酒的影响。使用间歇性酒精获取程序根据饮酒量选择低、中、高酒精饮酒大鼠亚组。亚组分别采用GABA(B)受体激动剂巴氯芬、阿片受体拮抗剂纳曲酮和半胱氨酸前体N-乙酰半胱氨酸处理,并测定其对酒精摄入量和偏好的影响。巴氯芬和纳曲酮都减少了酒精消耗,但N-乙酰半胱氨酸没有。这些影响对于低、中和高酒精饮酒大鼠具有可比性。然而,各亚组对巴氯芬和纳曲酮的反应存在很大程度的个体差异。综上所述,这些结果表明,饮酒量的变化并不能预测对巴氯芬和纳曲酮的反应。这意味着,一方面是饮酒的个体差异,另一方面是对这些药物治疗的敏感性,代表了可能涉及不同生物学机制的不同过程。




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