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Unquestionably, remote operation is in the limelight


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Why a new exhibition for Special Forces, after SOFIC in the United States and SOFEX in the UAE? Col. Rapp: In 2011 the EDEN cluster wanted to create a small show in the Lyon area. General Gomart, who was head of the COS at the time, was immediately attracted by the idea put forward by one of his personnel who wanted to give it more scope. He proposed to concentrate technologies, industry and users in one place over three days. The aim was to cover specific themes through small seminars, to test the equipment on site, and above all to present the specific operating methods of the Special Forces, which operate in small numbers deep behind enemy lines and most of the time in complete autonomy. Flexible, fast and manoeuvrable, their aim is to provoke strategic effects on the enemy. Finally, the goal was also to correct the often distorted vision that sometimes exists in the regular army on our real resources and associated needs. At the time, I was in charge of the Bureau Etudes Prospectives, and we had three months from December 2012 to set up the show from scratch, just as the conflict in Mali was beginning… so it was indeed a COS operation (he smiles). This idea coming from the "base" is also typical of the Special Forces, the COS has pushed its personnel to be creative from the outset.
机译:为什么在美国的SOFIC和阿联酋的SOFEX之后为特种部队举办新的展览?拉普上校:2011年,EDEN集群希望在里昂地区举办一场小型展览。当时担任COS负责人的戈马特将军立即被他的一名人员提出的想法所吸引,他想给它更多的范围。他建议在三天内将技术、行业和用户集中在一个地方。目的是通过小型研讨会涵盖特定主题,在现场测试设备,最重要的是介绍特种部队的具体作战方法,这些特种部队在敌后深处行动,大部分时间都是完全自主的。它们灵活、快速、机动,目的是对敌人产生战略影响。最后,目标还在于纠正正规军中有时存在的对我们实际资源和相关需求的经常扭曲的看法。当时,我负责研究与展望局,从2012年12月开始,我们有三个月的时间从头开始设置节目,当时马里的冲突刚刚开始......所以这确实是 COS 操作(他笑了)。这种来自“基地”的想法也是特种部队的典型特征,COS从一开始就推动其人员发挥创造力。




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