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Henry Dunant, The Man of the Red Cross


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Corinne Chaponniere is a biographer with a mission. It was her hope, she writes, that Dunant's example 'will serve as a reminder that single, ordinary individuals can indeed take humanity one step forward' (3). However, in the same sentence she says this does not necessarily mean that such individuals are geniuses or saints. Clearly she did not intend to write a hagiography. She praises the Red Cross movement and hails Dunant's genius in spotting its possibilities at the right moment, making special reference to his insight in insisting that aid personnel and the wounded should be treated as neutral. But at the same time she has a keen eye for his less admirable traits, which were manifold.
机译:Corinne Chaponniere是一位肩负使命的传记作家。她写道,她希望杜南的例子“能提醒我们,单身的普通人确实可以带领人类向前迈进一步”(3)。然而,在同一句话中,她说这并不一定意味着这些人是天才或圣人。显然,她不打算写传记。她赞扬了红十字运动,并称赞杜南在适当时机发现其可能性的天才,并特别提到了他坚持认为援助人员和伤员应保持中立的见解。但与此同时,她对他不那么令人钦佩的特征有着敏锐的眼光,这些特征是多方面的。




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