首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Agricultural Research >Effect of tillage, residue and potassium management on yield an nutrient concentration of maize under conservation agriculture

Effect of tillage, residue and potassium management on yield an nutrient concentration of maize under conservation agriculture


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A field experiment was conducted at New Delhi in 2016 to study the effect of tillage, residue and time of potassium application on the growth parameters, yield and nutrient concentration of maize. Treatments comprised of tillage and residue retentionin main plots and timing of potassium application in sub plots. Main plot treatments were-T ZT+wheat residue (3 tonne/ha), T2: ZT-bed + wheat residue (3 tonne/ha) and T3: CT-no residue. Sub plot treatments were- K.: recommended dose (RD) as basal (60 kgKp/ha), K2:l/2 RD at sowing + 1/2 RD at tasseling, K,: xh RD at sowing + V4 RD at silking and K4: 1/3 RD at sowing + 1/3 RD at knee height + 1/3 RD at tasseling. It was found that tillage with residue retention and timing of potassium application exertedsignificant effect on enhancing plant growth parameters, growth indices (CGR and RGR) and grain yield of maize at all the growth stages. The maximum values of growth parameters and yield was obtained under ZT-bed + wheat residue (3 tonne /ha) followed by ZT + wheat residue (3 tonne/ha) and CT-no residue. Likewise the treatment 1/2 RD at sowing + 1/2 RD at tasseling showed significantly higher values of growth and yield than all other treatments in conditions like semi-arid climate of north India.
机译:2016年在新德里进行了田间试验,研究了耕作、秸秆和施钾时间对玉米生长参数、产量和养分浓度的影响。处理包括主地块的耕作和残留物保留以及子地块的钾肥施用时间。主要样地处理为-T ZT+小麦秸秆(3 t/hm2)、T2:ZT-床+小麦秸秆(3 t/hm2)和T3:CT-无秸秆。子样地处理为- K.:推荐剂量 (RD) 为基础 (60 kgKp/ha),播种时 K2:l/2 RD + 抽穗时 1/2 RD,K,:播种时 xh RD + 吐丝时 V4 RD 和 K4:播种时 1/3 RD + 膝高 1/3 RD + 抽穗时 1/3 RD。结果表明,保留秸秆和适时施钾的耕作对提高玉米各生育期植物生长参数、生长指数(CGR和RGR)和籽粒产量均有显著影响。ZT-床+小麦秸秆(3 t/hm2)的生长参数和产量最大值,其次是ZT+小麦秸秆(3 t/hm2)和CT-无秸秆。同样,在印度北部半干旱气候条件下,播种时 1/2 RD + 抽穗时 1/2 RD 处理的生长和产量值明显高于所有其他处理。




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