首页> 外文期刊>Marine Georesources & Geotechnology >Searching for potential marine sand resources to mitigate beach erosion in island settings

Searching for potential marine sand resources to mitigate beach erosion in island settings


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This article presents the results of a marine geophysical and sedimentological study carried out around Lesvos Island (NE Aegean) to investigate the potential of exploitable marine aggregate (MA) deposits that could be used for beach replenishment purposes. Sub-bottom profiler data showed a good prospect for potential coarse-grained deposits in two of the three surveyed areas around Lesvos. Grain size and mineralogical analysis of the surficial sediments revealed sands that could properly feed nourishment schemes for eroded beaches or artificial beach development. Observed MA volumes are considered adequate for renourishment operations, when the threat of projected sea-level rise is introduced. Environmental constraints, as well as human activities, are considered for the suggestion and prioritization of specific areas for detailed surveying before future exploitation.
机译:本文介绍了在莱斯沃斯岛(爱琴海东北部)周围进行的海洋地球物理和沉积学研究的结果,以调查可用于海滩补给目的的可开采海洋骨料 (MA) 沉积物的潜力。海底剖面仪数据显示,在莱斯沃斯岛周围三个调查区域中的两个区域,潜在的粗粒矿床前景良好。对表层沉积物的粒度和矿物学分析表明,沙子可以适当地为侵蚀海滩或人工海滩开发提供营养。当引入预计海平面上升的威胁时,观察到的MA体积被认为足以进行补给作业。在将来开发之前,考虑环境限制以及人类活动,以建议和确定特定区域的优先次序,以便进行详细调查。




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