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Emergency animal disease preparation to help to keep businesses safe


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With so many devastating pathogens on our doorstep, such as Foot and Mouth Disease, African Swine Fever, Avian Influenza and many others, it is vital businesses are prepared. This means not just knowing what to do in an outbreak, but also having the materials and products on hand and ready to go as soon as an emergency is declared.Of course, this doesn’t mean a business should have a stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfectants, hand sanitisers and other materials gathering dust in some remote shed or corner of the warehouse, but rather making a conscious effort to increase stocks and rotate them so if there is an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) declared, the business has access to additional stocks for increased activity in disease prevention.
机译:由于口蹄疫、非洲猪瘟、禽流感等众多毁灭性病原体近在咫尺,企业做好准备至关重要。这意味着不仅要知道在疫情爆发时该怎么做,还要准备好材料和产品,并在宣布紧急情况时立即准备就绪。当然,这并不意味着企业应该在仓库的某个偏远棚子或角落里储存个人防护设备 (PPE)、消毒剂、洗手液和其他积灰材料,而是有意识地努力增加库存并轮换它们,以便在宣布紧急动物疾病 (EAD) 时,企业可以获得额外的库存以增加疾病预防活动。




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