首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >An MPTD-Specialized MPPT Algorithm Used for a Novel Medium-Power Thermoelectric System

An MPTD-Specialized MPPT Algorithm Used for a Novel Medium-Power Thermoelectric System

机译:An MPTD-Specialized MPPT Algorithm Used for a Novel Medium-Power Thermoelectric System

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This article proposes a portable thermoelectric canteen system used for generating electricity while heating. A new step-shape bottom is designed, helping the canteen to be more evenly heated. The proposed canteen is a medium power and temperature difference (MPTD) system, whose main challenge is to keep system always operate at the maximum power point (MPP) when the temperature changes fast. To tackle this problem, this article proposed a new algorithm structure considered the transient response of the current. When an abnormal change in the current is obtained, amp;inline-formulaamp;amp;tex-math notation="LaTeX"amp;$X$amp;/tex-mathamp;amp;/inline-formulaamp; is multiplied with the voltage at time amp;inline-formulaamp;amp;tex-math notation="LaTeX"amp;$t$amp;/tex-mathamp;amp;/inline-formulaamp;, helping the operation point to relocate near the MPP quickly. The new algorithm structure can be applied with most existing thermoelectric maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms, increasing the tracking efficiency. Furthermore, this article proposes an MPTD-specialized MPPT algorithm based on the new structure. The new algorithm uses the derivative of the power with respect to voltage and current to multiply the reference step amp;inline-formulaamp;amp;tex-math notation="LaTeX"amp;$S$amp;/tex-mathamp;amp;/inline-formulaamp;. When the temperature difference is 38?amp;inline-formulaamp;amp;tex-math notation="LaTeX"amp;$^circ$amp;/tex-mathamp;amp;/inline-formulaamp;C, the highest power of 0.7469 V and 70.0667?mW, respectively, can be achieved through the MPTD-specialized method. The tracking efficiency is 42.51 higher compared with the classic perturb amp;amp; observe (Pamp;amp;O) algorithm.




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