首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >A new fossil inchworm moth discovered in Miocene Dominican amber (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)

A new fossil inchworm moth discovered in Miocene Dominican amber (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)


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We report a fossil geometrid moth, a male, virtually complete, preserved in a clear piece of Miocene Dominican amber dating from 19 to 16 Mya. Fore-and hindwings appear partially overlapped, and all body characters are visible externally in dorsal and ventral views, including the outer surface of the valvae of the genitalia. The scale pattern on the wing membrane is preserved, whereas the wing color pattern is not. It belongs to the genus Dolichoneura (Geometridae: Desmobathrinae) and is named Dolichoneura jorelisae Sarto i Monteys, Hausmann, Baixeras and Pen similar to alver sp. n., based on wing features. Because of the poor fossil record of lepidopterans, both in amber and compression rocks, the description of the available well-preserved specimens is of considerable in-terest for phylogenetic studies. Furthermore, it could also serve for calibrating molecular clocks and for paleo-biogeographic inferences.
机译:我们报告了一种化石几何蛾,一种雄性,几乎完整,保存在一块透明的中新世多米尼加琥珀中,其历史可追溯到 19 至 16 Mya。前翅和后翅部分重叠,所有身体特征在背侧和腹侧视图中都可见,包括生殖器瓣膜的外表面。翼膜上的鳞片图案被保留下来,而翅膀的颜色图案则没有。它属于Dolichoneura属(Geometridae:Desmobathrinae),根据翅膀特征被命名为Dolichoneura jorelisae Sarto i Monteys,Hausmann,Baixeras和Pen,类似于alver sp. n.。由于琥珀岩和压缩岩中鳞翅目动物的化石记录很差,因此对现有保存完好的标本的描述对于系统发育研究具有相当大的意义。此外,它还可用于校准分子钟和古生物地理推断。




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