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The worse the better? Quantile treatment effects of a conditional cash transfer programme on mental health


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Poor mental health is a pressing global health problem, with high prevalence among poor populations from low-income countries. Existing studies of conditional cash transfer (CCT) effects on mental health have found positive effects. However, there is a gap in the literature on population-wide effects of cash transfers on mental health and if and how these vary by the severity of mental illness. We use the Malawian Longitudinal Study of Family and Health containing 790 adult participants in the Malawi Incentive Programme, a year-long randomized controlled trial. We estimate average and distributional quantile treatment effects and we examine how these effects vary by gender, HIV status and usage of the cash transfer. We find that the cash transfer improves mental health on average by 0.1 of a standard deviation. The effect varies strongly along the mental health distribution, with a positive effect for individuals with worst mental health of about four times the size of the average effect. These improvements in mental health are associated with increases in consumption expenditures and expenditures related to economic productivity. Our results show that CCTs can improve adult mental health for the poor living in low-income countries, particularly those with the worst mental health.
机译:精神卫生状况不佳是一个紧迫的全球卫生问题,在低收入国家的贫困人口中患病率很高。关于有条件现金转移 (CCT) 对心理健康影响的现有研究发现了积极影响。然而,关于现金转移支付对心理健康的全人群影响以及这些影响是否以及如何因精神疾病的严重程度而变化的文献存在空白。我们使用马拉维家庭与健康纵向研究,其中包含马拉维激励计划的 790 名成年参与者,这是一项为期一年的随机对照试验。我们估计了平均和分布分位数治疗效果,并研究了这些效果如何因性别、HIV状况和现金转移的使用而变化。我们发现,现金转移平均改善了0.1个标准差的心理健康。这种影响在心理健康分布上变化很大,对心理健康状况最差的个体的积极影响约为平均影响的四倍。心理健康的这些改善与消费支出和与经济生产力相关的支出的增加有关。我们的研究结果表明,CCT可以改善生活在低收入国家的穷人的成人心理健康,特别是那些心理健康状况最差的人。




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