首页> 外文期刊>Global public health: An international journal for research, policy and practice >Indigenous women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: Incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing into a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative research

Indigenous women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: Incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing into a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative research


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Due to historical and contextual factors, cervical cancer is typicallydetected at a later stage in Indigenous women, and so has highermorbidity and mortality. Increasing participation in cervical cancerscreening (CCS) could ameliorate this health inequity by detectingcancer when it is more easily treatable. To understand the perspectives,preferences, and experiences of Indigenous women related toparticipation in CCS, we conducted a systematic review and metasynthesisof nine qualitative research studies. To advance decolonisedqualitative evidence synthesis approaches, we use a modified version ofthe Two Row Wampum-Covenant Chain Tradition, a Haudenosauneetwo-eyed seeing analytic approach that integrates Western approacheswith Indigenous worldviews. Using the metaphor of a network of forestplants, we illustrate the systemic and topical barriers and facilitators toCCS, as reported by Indigenous women. We use this metaphor toreiterate the importance of all levels of change to improve CCSexperiences for Indigenous women.
机译:由于历史和背景因素,宫颈癌通常在土著妇女的晚期被发现,因此发病率和死亡率较高。增加宫颈癌筛查(CCS)的参与可以通过在癌症更容易治疗时发现癌症来改善这种健康不平等。为了了解土著妇女参与CCS的观点、偏好和经验,我们对九项定性研究进行了系统回顾和荟萃综合。为了推进非殖民化的定性证据综合方法,我们使用了两排 Wampum-Covenant Chain 传统的修改版本,这是一种将西方方法与土著世界观相结合的 Haudenosaunee 双眼观察分析方法。使用森林植物网络的比喻,我们说明了土著妇女报告的CCS的系统性和主题性障碍和促进因素。我们用这个比喻来重申各级变革对于改善土著妇女的 CCS 体验的重要性。




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