首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications >Stepwise Irregular Graphs and Their Metric-Based Resolvability Parameters

Stepwise Irregular Graphs and Their Metric-Based Resolvability Parameters


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If the degrees of any two consecutive vertices differ by exactly one, the graph is called a stepwise irregular graph. The study of choosing specific vertices in an ordered subset of the vertex set such that no two vertices have the same representations with regard to the chosen subset is known as resolving parameters. This concept has been expanded for edges as well as a combined version of both. We examine a unique unicyclic stepwise irregular graph and an extended structure of stepwise irregular graph in terms of resolvability parameters to connect the stepwise irregular graph and resolving parameter concepts.
机译:如果任意两个连续顶点的度数相差 1,则该图称为逐步不规则图。在顶点集的有序子集中选择特定顶点,使得没有两个顶点对所选子集具有相同的表示,这称为解析参数。这个概念已经扩展到了边缘以及两者的组合版本。从可解析性参数的角度研究了独特的单环步进不规则图和渐进不规则图的扩展结构,将步进不规则图与解析参数概念联系起来。




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