首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Opinion Dynamics Model with Bounded Confidence and the Sleeper Effect

Opinion Dynamics Model with Bounded Confidence and the Sleeper Effect


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The evolution of opinions is a complex mechanism. The evolution of individual opinions is not only influenced by own and others but also by psychological effects. Therefore, based on the classical bounded confidence model and the sleeper effect, a new opinion evolution model is proposed in this paper. In this new opinion evolution model, we increase the opinions on every step and take into account the “discount opinions.” Since mental states for human are not easy to measure, we assumed three different initial networks and carried out simulation experiments. To verify the rationality on our model, we compared the effects with and without the sleeper effect, different thresholds, and discounting opinion ratio on opinion aggregation and convergence. Finally, we found the sleeper effect can differently affect the convergence of opinions in different opinion environments.




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