首页> 外文期刊>Journal of endocrinological investigation. >Non-specific rheumatic manifestations in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a pilot cross-sectional study

Non-specific rheumatic manifestations in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a pilot cross-sectional study


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Purpose Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is often associated with rheumatic disorders (arthritis, etc.), but many HT patients report non-specific rheumatic signs and symptoms in the absence of clinically evident rheumatic diseases. Aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of non-specific rheumatic manifestations (RMs) in HT subjects without classified autoimmune comorbidities. Methods 500 HT patients (467 F, 33 M; median age 41 years, range 14-69) and 310 age- and sex-matched controls, consecutively referred to the Endocrine Unit of Messina University Hospital, were evaluated for non-specific RMs. None took l-thyroxine. Exclusion criteria: autoimmune comorbidities, infectious, and/or inflammatory diseases, history of neoplasia, BMI > 30 kg/m(2). Results In our HT cohort, 100 patients (20) complained of one or more RMs, vs 21 controls (6.8; P < 0.001). There were minimal differences between the manifestations recorded in the two groups, the most common being polyarthralgias and myalgias/fibromyalgia, but non-specific RMs occurred threefold more in HT patients. Comparing HT patients with RMs (96 F and 4 M) with those affected by HT alone, female sex was prevalent (F:M ratio 24:1 vs 5:1) with higher age at diagnosis (median 43 vs 37 years; P < 0.001). HT patients with RMs (62) were mostly euthyroid (median TSH 2.0 mu IU/L) and only 7 overtly hypothyroid, discouraging a possible causal relationship between thyroid dysfunction per se and RMs. Conclusions A significant percentage of HT patients complains of non-specific rheumatic signs and symptoms, in the absence of other diagnosed systemic comorbidities and regardless of thyroid functional status, deserving careful evaluation and prolonged follow-up.
机译:目的 桥本氏甲状腺炎(HT)常伴风湿性疾病(关节炎等),但许多风湿性疾病患者在无临床明显风湿性疾病的情况下报告非特异性风湿性体征和症状。本研究的目的是评估无分类自身免疫性合并症的 HT 受试者中非特异性风湿表现 (RM) 的患病率。方法 对 500 例 HT 患者(467 F,33 M;中位年龄 41 岁,范围 14-69 岁)和 310 例年龄和性别匹配的对照组,连续转诊至墨西拿大学医院内分泌科,评估非特异性 RM。没有人服用l-甲状腺素。排除标准: 自身免疫性合并症、感染性和/或炎症性疾病、肿瘤病史、BMI > 30 kg/m(2)。结果 在我们的 HT 队列中,100 名患者 (20%) 主诉一种或多种 RM,而对照组为 21 例 (6.8%;P < 0.001)。两组患者的表现差异很小,最常见的是多关节痛和肌痛/纤维肌痛,但非特异性RMs在HT患者中的发生率高出3倍。将 RM 患者(96 F 和 4 M)与仅受 HT 影响的患者进行比较,女性普遍存在(F:M 比 24:1 vs 5:1),诊断时年龄较高(中位 43 vs 37 岁;P < 0.001)。HT 患者 (62%) 多为甲状腺功能正常(中位 TSH 2.0 μ IU/L),仅 7% 为明显甲状腺功能减退,排除了甲状腺功能障碍本身与 RM 之间可能的因果关系。结论 有相当比例的HT患者主诉非特异性风湿性体征和症状,无其他全身合并症,无论甲状腺功能状态如何,均需仔细评估和长期随访。




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