

机译:对抗性 F-5S

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The Northrop Grumman 'F-5 Tiger II has supported naval aviation training since 1975. Tom Kaminski explains how the platform has remained a core asset for training US combat pilots. Introduced in 1975, Northrop Grumman's Tiger II has supported naval aviation training and still does to this day. This commenced when ten single-seat F-5Es and three two-seat F-5Fs first entered service with the Navy Fighter Weapons School Topgun' at Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar, California, and fighter squadron VF-43 at NAS Oceana, Virginia, serving as adversary platforms to simulate enemy aircraft. The jets were part of a large group that was originally operated by or intended for the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnamese) Air Force (RVNAF). The later acquisition of 22 F-16Ns and four TF-16N two-seat trainers by the US Navy and the lease of IAI F-21 A Kfirs from Israel resulted in the transfer of the navy's original F-5s to VF-126 at NAS Miramar in 1985 and strike fighter squadron VFA-127 at NAS Fallon, Nevada in 1987. Many Tiger IIs were also operated by four USAF aggressor squadrons from 1975 to 1990. Replacement of the USAF jets with F-16Cs and a later reduction in the service's aggressor fleet made additional aircraft available for transfer to the US Navy. As a result, Tiger IIs were assigned to VF-45 at NAS Key West, Florida, and marine fighter training squadron VMFT-401 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, Arizona, in 1989.
机译:诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的F-5虎II自1975年以来一直支持海军航空训练。汤姆·卡明斯基(Tom Kaminski)解释了该平台如何仍然是培训美国战斗飞行员的核心资产。诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的虎II于1975年推出,一直支持海军航空训练,至今仍在支持。这始于10架单座F-5E和3架双座F-5F首次在加利福尼亚州米拉马尔海军航空站(NAS)的海军战斗机武器学校Topgun'和弗吉尼亚州NAS Oceana的VF-43战斗机中队服役,作为模拟敌机的对抗平台。这些喷气式飞机是一个大型集团的一部分,该集团最初由越南共和国(南越)空军(RVNAF)运营或打算使用。后来美国海军购买了22架F-16N和4架TF-16N双座教练机,并从以色列租赁了IAI F-21 A Kfirs,导致海军最初的F-5于1985年在NAS Miramar转移到VF-126,并于1987年在内华达州NAS Fallon转移到攻击战斗机中队VFA-127。从1975年到1990年,许多虎II也由美国空军的四个侵略者中队操作。用F-16C取代美国空军的喷气式飞机,以及后来减少该军种的侵略者机队,使更多的飞机可以转移到美国海军。因此,1989 年,Tiger II 被分配到佛罗里达州基韦斯特 NAS 的 VF-45 和亚利桑那州尤马海军陆战队航空站 (MCAS) 的海军陆战队战斗机训练中队 VMFT-401。




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