首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >Lookahead Search-Based Low-Complexity Multi-Type Tree Pruning Method for Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Intra Coding

Lookahead Search-Based Low-Complexity Multi-Type Tree Pruning Method for Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Intra Coding


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The latest versatile video coding (VVC) introduces somenovel techniques such as quadtree with nested multi-type tree (QTMT),multiple transform selection (MTS) and multiple reference line (MRL).These tools improve compression efficiency compared with the previousstandard H.265/HEVC, but they suffer from very high computational complexity.One of the most time-consuming parts of VVC intra coding isthe coding tree unit (CTU) structure decision. In this paper, we propose alow-complexity multi-type tree (MT) pruning method for VVC intra coding.This method consists of lookahead search and MT pruning. The lookaheadsearch process is performed to derive the approximate rate-distortion (RD)cost of each MT node at depth 2 or 3. Subsequently, the improbable MTnodes are pruned by different strategies under different cost errors. Thesestrategies are designed according to the priority of the node. Experimentalresults show that the overall proposed algorithm can achieve 47.15 timesaving with only 0.93 Bj?ntegaard delta bit rate (BDBR) increase overnatural scene sequences, and 45.39 time saving with 1.55 BDBR increaseover screen content sequences, compared with the VVC referencesoftware VTM 10.0. Such results demonstrate that our method achieves agood trade-off between computational complexity and compression qualitycompared to recent methods.
机译:最新的通用视频编码 (VVC) 引入了一些新技术,例如具有嵌套多类型树 (QTMT) 的四叉树、多重变换选择 (MTS) 和多参考线 (MRL)。与以前的标准 H.265/HEVC 相比,这些工具提高了压缩效率,但它们的计算复杂性非常高。VVC 内部编码最耗时的部分之一是编码树单元 (CTU) 结构决策。本文提出了一种低复杂度的VVC内编码多类型树(MT)剪枝方法。此方法包括前瞻搜索和 MT 修剪。执行前瞻搜索过程以得出深度 2 或 3 处每个 MT 节点的近似速率失真 (RD) 成本。随后,在不同的成本误差下,通过不同的策略对不可能的MT节点进行修剪。这些策略是根据节点的优先级设计的。实验结果表明,与VVC参考软件VTM 10.0相比,所提算法在自然场景序列上仅增加0.93%的Bj?ntegaard delta比特率(BDBR)可节省47.15%的时间,在画面内容序列上节省1.55%的时间,节省45.39%的时间。这些结果表明,与最近的方法相比,我们的方法在计算复杂度和压缩质量之间实现了良好的权衡。




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