首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Stapled beta;-Hairpin Antimicrobial Peptides with Improved Stability and Activity against Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

Stapled beta;-Hairpin Antimicrobial Peptides with Improved Stability and Activity against Drug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria

机译:Stapled β;-Hairpin抗菌肽,具有更高的稳定性和活性,可对抗耐药革兰氏阴性菌

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Different stapling techniques have been used recentlyto addressthe subpar performance of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in clinicaltrials with ample focus on alpha;-helical AMPs. In comparison, asystematic evaluation of such strategies on beta;-hairpin AMPs islacking. Herein, we report the design, synthesis, and evaluation ofa library of all-hydrocarbon-stapled beta;-hairpin AMPs with variationin key parameters intended as potent therapeutics against drug-resistantpathogens. We observed an interesting interplay between the activity,stability, and structural strength. Single-stapled peptides with a6-carbon staple at peptide termini such as 5(c(6)) displayedthe most potent activity against colistin-resistant clinical isolates.Using imaging techniques, we observed translocation of 5(c(6)) across bacterial membranes without causing extensive damage. Overall,we have engineered novel all-hydrocarbon-stapled beta;-hairpin AMPswith structural and functional proficiency that can effectively combatresistant pathogens, with findings from this study a point of referencefor future interests in developing novel beta;-hairpin AMPs.
机译:最近,不同的吻合技术被用于解决临床试验中抗菌肽(AMP)的劣质问题,重点关注α-螺旋AMPs。相比之下,缺乏对&β-发夹AMPs的此类策略的系统评估。在此,我们报告了全烃合和β-发夹AMP库的设计,合成和评估,其关键参数的变化旨在作为对抗耐药病原体的有效疗法。我们观察到活性、稳定性和结构强度之间存在有趣的相互作用。在肽末端具有 a6-碳主食的单吻合肽,例如 5(c(6)),对粘菌素耐药的临床分离株显示出最有效的活性。使用成像技术,我们观察到5(c(6))在细菌膜上的易位,而不会造成广泛的损伤。总体而言,我们已经设计了新型的全碳氢化合物吻合和β-发夹AMPs,其结构和功能能力可以有效对抗耐药病原体,这项研究的结果为未来开发新型&β-发夹AMPs提供了参考。




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