首页> 外文期刊>The International journal of pharmacy practice >Supporting the pandemic response and timely access to COVID-19 vaccines: a case for stronger priority setting and health system governance in Nigeria

Supporting the pandemic response and timely access to COVID-19 vaccines: a case for stronger priority setting and health system governance in Nigeria


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Priority setting and health system governance are critical for optimising healthcare interventions and determining how best to allocate limited resources. The COVID-19 pandemic has buttressed the need for these especially now that vaccines are available to curb the spread of the disease. In many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), vaccine coverage remains low, due in large part to sub-optimal priority setting and health system governance which has led to inequities in access and has fuelled vaccine hesitancy. An analysis of the situation in Nigeria identified key issues that have affected the health system response to COVID-19 and impeded timely access to the vaccine. These include weak vaccine procurement strategies, limited evidence on strategies for prioritising recipients and approaches for rolling out mass vaccination programmes for the entire population, lack of a communication strategy to reduce the incidence of vaccine hesitancy and failures to proactively address vaccine hesitancy through the implementation of vaccination programmes. Nigeria and other many other LMICs are still facing the prospect of subsequent and potentially worsening waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without effective priority setting, there is a risk that the country will not accelerate vaccine rollout quickly enough to achieve high coverage rates that will ensure herd immunity. In the context of existing weaknesses in health system governance, there is an urgent need to strengthen priority settings in Nigeria and identify and implement context-specific solutions that can improve vaccine coverage for the population.
机译:优先事项的确定和卫生系统治理对于优化医疗保健干预措施和确定如何最好地分配有限的资源至关重要。COVID-19 大流行支持了对这些的需求,尤其是现在有疫苗可以遏制疾病的传播。在许多低收入和中等收入国家,疫苗覆盖率仍然很低,这在很大程度上是由于次优的优先事项设定和卫生系统治理导致了获取方面的不平等,并加剧了疫苗犹豫不决。对尼日利亚情况的分析确定了影响卫生系统应对COVID-19并阻碍及时获得疫苗的关键问题。这些问题包括疫苗采购策略薄弱,关于优先接种者策略和为全体人群推出大规模疫苗接种计划的方法的证据有限,缺乏减少疫苗犹豫发生率的沟通策略,以及未能通过实施疫苗接种计划主动解决疫苗犹豫问题。尼日利亚和其他许多中低收入国家仍然面临着随后可能恶化的COVID-19大流行浪潮的前景。如果没有有效的优先次序设定,该国可能无法足够快地加快疫苗推广速度,从而实现确保群体免疫的高覆盖率。鉴于卫生系统治理方面存在薄弱环节,迫切需要加强尼日利亚的重点设置,并确定和实施针对具体情况的解决方案,以提高人口的疫苗覆盖率。




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