首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Integration of induced polarization, resistivity, and magnetic data of IOA occurrences in Ararenda, western of the Santa Quiteria magmatic arc, Ceara Brazil

Integration of induced polarization, resistivity, and magnetic data of IOA occurrences in Ararenda, western of the Santa Quiteria magmatic arc, Ceara Brazil

机译:整合巴西塞阿拉拉Santa Quiteria岩浆弧以西Ararenda的IOA矿点的感应极化、电阻率和磁性数据

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The Neoproterozoic Santa-Quite ' ria Magmatic Arc (SQMA) hosts significant IOA occurrences that were recently documented in their geological, petrographic, geochemical, and geochronological aspects. To advance the understanding of the geologic framework and metallogenetic potential beneath the SQMA, we used an integrated geophysical approach. In this context, this study is the first geophysical evaluation of these occurrences and provides valuable insights into the ore mineralization of this under-researched region. Seven profiles (E-W direction) were acquired using magnetic, resistivity, and induced polarization methods. The results allowed us to integrate the geological map information with the geophysical anomalies at the subsurface. According to the resistivity and IP inversions there are resistive and chargeable bodies at depths ranging from the surface to up to 180 m, and it is possible to associate the IP anomalies in shallow depths to deep magnetic 3D anomalies modeled. Most 3D magnetic anomalies are located on or very close to the IOA occurrences identified on the surface. The positive anomalies on the IP-chargeability map are related with the sites of alterations, shears, and contact zones. In addition, based on geological mapping, there is a correlation between high chargeability values and high magnetic values with iron formations (iron ore). In contrast, the correlation between high chargeability and low magnetic values indicates metal sulfides (including copper). The results presented here is a start point to further exploration work for this mineral system and we can suggest the future development of more dense geophysical data to better characterize it. An exploratory drilling holes campaign should be used in a second stage as a basis for the 3D geological model of this area. These two approaches will be crucial to improve the mineral knowledge of the SQMA.
机译:新元古代Santa-Quite ' ria岩浆弧(SQMA)拥有重要的IOA事件,这些事件最近在地质、岩石学、地球化学和地质年代学方面都有记录。为了加深对SQMA地下地质框架和成矿潜力的理解,我们采用了综合地球物理方法。在此背景下,这项研究是对这些矿点的首次地球物理评估,并为这个研究不足地区的矿石矿化提供了宝贵的见解。使用磁性、电阻率和感应极化方法获取了七个轮廓(E-W方向)。这些结果使我们能够将地质图信息与地下的地球物理异常相结合。根据电阻率和IP反演,在从地表到180 m的深度存在电阻体和可带电体,并且可以将浅层的IP异常与建模的深层磁性3D异常联系起来。大多数 3D 磁异常位于或非常接近地表上确定的 IOA 矿点。IP 可充电性图上的正异常与蚀变、剪切和接触区的地点有关。此外,根据地质测绘,高可充电性值和高磁性值与铁层(铁矿石)之间存在相关性。相反,高可充电性和低磁性值之间的相关性表明金属硫化物(包括铜)。这里介绍的结果是进一步勘探该矿物系统的起点,我们可以建议未来开发更密集的地球物理数据,以更好地表征它。在第二阶段,应使用勘探钻孔活动作为该地区三维地质模型的基础。这两种方法对于提高SQMA的矿产知识至关重要。




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