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Prediction of FIR absorption for liquid water with hot H2Odipoles as the cause of the translational band




Mendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) Prediction of FIR absorption for liquid water with hot HO2 dipoles as the cause of the translational band Vladimir I. Gaiduk* and Vladimir V. Gaiduk Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 141120 Fryazino, Moscow Region, Russian Federation. E-mail: vig169@ire216.msk.su The analytic theory of wideband (0ndash;1000 cmndash;1 region) dielectric spectra is elaborated for liquid water; it is assumed that H2O molecules librate/rotate in a rectangular potential box with flat edges and the librational/translational absorption bands at ca. 700 and 200 cmndash;1 are due to slow and fast reorienting particles, respectively. The study1ndash;3 of wideband (0ndash;THz) dielectric spectra of liquid water yields valuable information on water structure and the timescales of molecular events.The imaginary peak e''D of the complex permittivity e(w) = e' ndash; ie'' is found in the microwave region while in the FIR spectral region are observed the librational (near 700 cmndash;1) and the so-called translational (near 200cmndash;1) absorption bands a(w). Here w is the angular frequency of radiation; the frequency n = w/(2pc) is measured in cmndash;1, c is the velocity of light.The existence of two absorption peaks is evidence of some bimodalality. Its nature has not yet been established since the molecular theory of this band has not been elaborated. This problem is the main purpose of this communication. The dielectric spectra of water have been previously described1ndash;3 using analytical theory elaborated for the combination of the confined rotator (CR) and extended diffusion (ED) models.In each model the energy H of the particles is varied in the interval 0,7 and different types of molecular rotation during lifetime t are considered since two independent molecular fractions (L and R) are introduced, the proportion r- of R-particles being the fitting parameter (the proportion rL of the other fraction is equal to 1 ndash; r).The CR model describes the libration of water molecules in a H-bond network. The L-molecules are found in an infinitely deep rectangular potential well. The dielectric response of another (R) fraction is described by the ED model by the consideration of free rotation of dipoles1ndash;3 (in ref. 2 ndash; by consideration of their rotation in a conservative potential well with the cosine squared profile).In this communication we attempt to prove the validity of the following suggestion:4 one can describe the two-humped absorption/low frequency Debye spectrum of liquid water with use of an adequate (lsquo;hatrsquo;) intermolecular potential profile, i.e. without employing two independently introduced molecular ensembles.Besides, we suggest a simple calculation that is able to predict, in its main features, the orientational spectrum of liquid water in the frequency region 0,1000 cmndash;1. In particular, the influence of temperature T on this spectrum was studied. We also show that it is possible to calculate the critical temperature Tcr of liquid water, if one regards Tcr to be the point where the employed model of molecular rotation ceases to exist.The so called hybrid model (HM)5,6 was applied to liquid water that was previously used for the description of 0ndash;THz spectra of simple nonassociated liquids, such as CH3F. In the HM the potential profile has the form of two rectangular potential boxes with the depth U0 and angular width 2b. One box is turned relative to the other by the angle p (Figure 1).The two subensembles (L and R) appear inherently in this model. L-molecules, with energy H U0, perform librations while hot R-particles, with energy H U0, perform free rotation, their proportion r = r (U0,b) being a function of the wellrsquo;s geometry. The low frequency (Debye) spectrum of a liquid appears to be due to equalization of the induced population of dipoles via their transition, under the influence of strong collisions, from one well to another.The mean rotational frequency of L- and R-particles determine the positions nL and nR of the two absorption peaks observed in water. The formulae, based on the linear dielectric response theory,6 for the absorption a(w) and complex permittivity e* = e' + ie'' (* is the complex conjugation symbol).a and e* are related as follows where is the refraction index. The dipole moment m of a molecule in a liquid (water) is related to the moment m0 of an isolated molecule: km is the correction coefficient (km= ca. 1.12) and nyen; is the optical refraction index (nyen; 2 = ca. 1.7). The dielectric response, related to the U potential, is anisotropic and is calculated for the local (during lifetime t) configuration. This response is characterized by the spectral functions (SF) Kverbar;verbar;(z) and K^(z). These correspond to orientations of the radiation amplitude Em along and across the symmetry axis of the potential U.The argument z of SFs is the dimensionless complex frequency z, I is the moment of inertia of a molecule that for simplicity we regard to be a linear one, kB is the Boltzmann constant.In accordance with usual approach we define I as follows: 1/I = 1/2(1/Ix + 1 / Iy), where Ix and Iy are the moments of inertia of an asymmetrical top molecule about the principal axis perpendicular to the dipole moment vector. The influence of the molecule form is very important for the description of the discrete rotational spectrum in the water vapour.In the condensed (liquid) state, in which the potential well is deep, the main spectral peculiarities of water are related to the influence of the intermolecular potential on molecular rotation, viz. to the U0 /(kBT) A B ndash;b 0 b p A B C C D D E E 0 90 180 270 U0 /(kBT) (a) (b) Figure 1 The geometric scheme pertaining to the double well rectangular potential employed in the hybrid model.Rectangular (a) and polar (b) coordinate systems. For the spatial configuration Figure (b) transforms into two cones joined by the spherical surface. * c � ( )Im *( ) Re *( ) --------------------------------- 2p n ------------- , = = '' (1) w e n e e a n Re *() ordm; e 0k n2yen; 2 +( ) 3 ---------------------- = (2) m m m z x iy; y + , � I 2kBT( ) � 1 2 � , = = = (3) lsquo;h t lsquo;hMendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) transformation of almost free rotors into librators. Correspondingly, in water the absorption peak considerably shifts to higher frequencies compared to the position of maximum absorption in vapour. The main object of our theoretical study is the complex orientational susceptibility c*.An isotropic polar medium and isothermal collision model (see ref. 6) is given by The averaged (over all orientations) SF L(z) is given by This SF is applied to an isotropic polar medium. The general approach for the calculation of this L(z) SF is described in ref. 6. For small-amplitude (b p/4) librations of dipoles in a cone the and SFs were determined in ref. 6; the SF of free rotors was determined in ref. 6 (here the designations are slightly changed compared to ref. 6). Analogous expressions are derived for the SF of the hybrid model (the theory of the HM was elaborated in collaboration with B. M. Tseitlin): where NA is the Avogadro constant, N and r are the number and mass density, M is the molecular mass. The Kirkwood correlation factor g is calculated with the experimental values of es, nyen; and G: The complex permittivity e* is determined by c* and nyen; 2 as the solution of the quadratic equation The proportion r of R-particles is given by The experiential low frequency e*(n) spectrum is taken from ref. 7. In particular, the static permittivity es and the relaxation time tD are estimated from the empiric formulae The parameters b, t, u, km and employed molecular constants are given in Table 1.Having only a few free parameters, we tried to fit the following features of the observed7ndash;9 dielectric spectra. (a) The position nL of the libration peak. The latter is mainly determined by the libratiob (b is near 20deg;). The value amax of the absorption maximum is corrected by the value of km. (b) The two-humped absorption curve. This curve appears in theory when the contributions of the free rotors and of the librators are commensurable in the vicinity of the frequency nR.The correct result is obtained, if the potential U is rather deep (u = ca. 5.5). (c) The coincidence of the calculated and theoretical positions nD of the loss maximum eD''. For chosen b and u the calculated nD value increases when the lifetime t rises.The calculated and observed spectra qualitatively agree (Figure 2). We interpret the fitted parameters of the model as follows. (A) The libration-band frequency nL is close to the mean frequency of librations,6 since the relation approximately holds. (B) One may estimate the lifetime t from the formula6 that follows from the Debye rotational diffusion theory.10 The lifetime t substantially decreases when T rises.(C) In the interval 1, 50 deg;C the well-depth U0 is nearly constant (U0 = ca. 3kcal molndash;1) and is commensurable with the energy of H-bond (about 5 kcal molndash;1). The constancy of U0 corresponds to the known picture of a rigid water structure. (D) The rise of T from 1 to 50 deg;C is accompanied by the weakening of water structure since the proportion r of hot particles doubles and the number mL of librations during the lifetime t decreases 3 times (see Table 1); mL = yc /(2y), where Consequently, the rotational mobility of some H2O molecules, viz.of R-particles, in this T-interval significantly increases although the water structure is relatively hard. The drawbacks of the HM probably result from the roughness of the chosen intermolecular potential profile, i.e.(1) Too slow transition of the absorption curve a(n) to the transparency near 1000 cmndash;1 cf. solid/dashed curves in Figure 2(a). (2) The calculated absorption minimum between 200 and 300 cmndash;1 is deeper than that observed experimentally, cf. solid and dashed curves for T = 27 deg;C, Figure 2(a). * x( ) gGzL z ( ) gx iyL z ( ) 1 gxz +( ) + 1 ndash; = (4) c L z( ) 2 3 � ( )K^ 1 3 � ( )Kverbar;verbar; K.+ + = o (5) K^ Kverbar;verbar; K o Kverbar;verbar; z( ) 24 p5 ------C u,( ) 4 sin()2 t3e t2 ndash; t2 z p � ( )2 ndash; ------------------------------ t, d 0 u ograve; = (6) b b b b K^ z( ) 192 p5 ---------C u,( ) 4 cos()2 t3e t2 ndash; t2 2 z p � ( )2 ndash; --------------------------------- t, d 0 u ograve; = (7) b b b b K z( ) 6e u ndash; C u,( ) t3e t2 ndash; t2 z2 ndash; -------------- t, d 0 yen; ograve; = o (8) b u U0 kBT ---------, C u,( ) 1 e u ndash; 1 ndash;() cos + 1 ndash; , = = b b G 2N 3kBT ------------,N NA M ---------- , = = (9) m r g s n2yen; ndash;( ) 2 s n2 yen; +() 12� pG s .= (10) e e e * n2yen; ndash;( ) 2 * n2yen; +() 12 ndash; p * * 0. = (11) e e e c r e u ndash; C u,( ). = (12) b s T( ) 77!66 103!3 , D T( )ndash;2p D T( ) 1 ndash; , = = (13a) e t g q D 20!27 146!5 , + 1 300 T.� ndash; = = (13b) q q g L 3 2 � ( ) 4 c 1 ndash; raquo; (14a) n hb T( ) 1 2 � ( ) 2 T ( ) D T( ) , = (14b) t b t a Constants: s = 2.9 Aring;, I = 1.483times;10ndash;40 g cm2, m0 = 1.84 D. Table 1 Molecular constantsa of liquid water, the fitted and other parameters of the hybrid model. Parameters of the HM Other quantities T/deg;C b/degree u U0/kcalmolndash;1 t/ps from (14b) km r y r/gcmndash;3 mL g l /Aring; Fitted from (14a) 1 17.98 20.84 5.6 3.05 0.851 1.161 0.071 0.052 1.000 16.0 2.24 0.205 27 19.93 21.14 5.7 3.04 0.475 1.118 0.093 0.089 0.999 8.2 2.35 0.209 50 22.09 22.10 4.6 3.0 0.366 1.097 0.122 0.112 0.988 5.7 2.38 0.218 yc C u,( ) p 2 -------erf u( ) ue u ndash; ndash;egrave; oslash; aelig; ouml; p 2 ------- e u ndash; + sin .= (15) b bMendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) (3) For the range n Icirc; 10, 100cmndash;1 the calculated submillimeter absorption is less than the observed one.This property of the HM probably confirms the idea7 that the second Debye relaxation region exists in water. However, an alternative physical mechanism may be responsible for this lsquo;excessrsquo; absorption. (4) The theory of an isotopic effect (the coincidence of the translational peak nR in ordinary and heavy water) is worthy of special study.The HM cannot explain this effect. Our preliminary consideration shows that one needs to employ for this purpose a hat potential with curved brims (not with flat Figure 2 FIR absorption (a) and low frequency (Debye) spectra of the permittivity components e', e'' (b),(c). Liquid water for T = 1, 27 and 50 deg;C; for the last two temperatures the curves are shifted downwards.Solid linesndash;calculation for the hybrid model, dashed lines ndash; observed data.7ndash;9 a /cmndash;1 4000 2000 0 ndash;2000 ndash;4000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 (a) e'' 60 40 20 0 ndash;20 0.1 1 10 100 (b) e' 30 20 10 0 ndash;10 ndash;20 1 10 100 (c) n/cmndash;1 a /cmndash;1 300 200 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 3000 2000 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 15 20 25 30 35 n/cmndash;1 T/deg;C (a) (b) (c) 0 a/cmndash;1 Figure 3 The predicted frequency (a), (b) and temperature (c) dependencies of the absorption coefficient in water.(a), (b): dashed lines for T = 25deg;C, solid lines for T = 20, 15 and 10deg;C; (c): curves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for n =150, 200, 250, 650, 700 and 750 cmndash;1. 1, 2 3 4 5 6 a /cmndash;1Mendeleev Communications Electronic Version, Issue 2. 1997 (pp. 47ndash;86) edges as it was assumed in the present study). We hope to return later to this question. The following calculation scheme is suggested for the prediction of dielectric spectra in water (0 T 50deg;C). (1) Formulae (1)ndash;(11) are employed. (2) U0 and km are kept constant (3.05 kcal molndash;1 and 1.12, respectively). (3) The libration amplitude b is found by the interpolation of the values presented in Table 1.(4) The relaxation time tD and the lifetime t are calculated from equations (13) and (14b), respectively. First example. For T Icirc; 15, 30deg;C and n Icirc; 1,100 cmndash;1 the absorption a(n) is calculated. In this region the Debye spectrum transforms into quasi-resonance. It is seen from Figure 3(a) that the absorption rises monotonically when T increases.For n Icirc; 5, 30cmndash;1 the Debye-like plateau gives way to an intensive lsquo;over- Debyersquo; absorption. Second example. a(n) was calculated for the same temperature interval and n Icirc;100, 1000 cmndash;1, where the translational (near aR) band transfers to the librational (near aL) one. It can be seen from Figure 3(b),(c) that with the rise of T the aR-peak increases and the aL-peak decreases.Figuratively speaking, the increase of the lsquo;vapourrsquo; fraction in water accompanies the melting of its lsquo;icersquo; fraction. Let us consider finally the lsquo;rotationalrsquo; cell model of a liquid. We can express5,6 the libration angle b by a few steady-state parameters, viz. (comparing with refs. 5,6 the formula is slightly simplified). Here mH is the proton mass and s is the effective diameter of a molecule.We choose the s value (s = ca. 2.9 Aring;) from the demand that for T = 50 deg;C the estimated and above fitted b values should coincide (ca. 22.1deg;). This cell model is applicable for T 50 deg;C when the density r and the amplitude b substantially alter with the rise of T (Figure 4). One may wait from physical reasoning that the maximum libration angle bmax is about p/2.For water this b-value is reached if temperature Tmax = 628 K, just near the critical temperature Tcr = 647 K, the difference being only 3. One may also determine Tcr by this way in nonassociated liquids.12 We have found that for T 50 deg;C the rotational cell model gives qualitative estimations (see Figure 4) since equation (16) yields b amplitudes which vary with T more slowly than those fitted for the HM.Consequently, for low temperatures (T 50 deg;C) molecular rotation is determined sooner by the ice-like tetrahedral water structure; moleculhis case does not correspond to a simple gas-like picture of molecular rotation that determined the liquid cell model. Thus, we have discovered the physical mechanism responsible for the existence of R-particles.The latter was always1ndash;3 employed for the calculation of the orientational spectrum in water. R-molecules have an elevated rotational mobility and inherently appear in the hybrid model as overbarrier lsquo;hotrsquo; particles. These molecules are the cause of the lsquo;translationalrsquo; absorption peak near nR = ca. 200 cmndash;1. In frames of the HM we have elaborated a simple method for the prediction of wideband (n 1000 cmndash;1) dielectric spectra of a(n), e'(n), e''(n) and n(n), i.e.of absorption, components of permittivity and of refraction index. We have also shown that the critical temperature Tcr corresponds to that limiting state of a liquid, in which the libration amplitude b reaches its maximum possible value bmax raquo; p/2. It seems that our idea that hot H2O dipoles are the origin of the translational band does not contradict the other (see e.g., ref. 13) reasoning according to which this band is related to intermolecular vibrations of H-bonded H2O and D2O molecules. These vibrations accompany the rotational motion of H2O dipoles. Unfortunately, the existing H-bond theory is not capable of describing the wideband dielectric spectra of water even if on the level of this study.The elaboration of the method capable to predict the water spectra/its critical temperature was accomplished in frames of the grant no. 95-03-0-8214a, while the potential well effect on spectra was studied in frames of the grant no. 96-05-65379. Both grants were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. References 1 V.I. Gaiduk, T. A. Novskova and V. V. Brekhovskikh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1993, 89, 1975. 2 V. I. Gaiduk and V. V. Gaiduk, Physica A, 1995, 222, 46. 3 V. I. Gaiduk, V. D. Gusrsquo;kova and T. A. Novskova, Izvestiya Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofiz., 1988, 31, 799 (in Russian). 4 V. I. Gaiduk, Mendeleev Commun., 1994, 15. 5 V. I. Gaiduk, T. A. Novskova and V. V. Brekhovskikh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1991, 87, 559. 6 V. I. Gaiduk and B. M. Tseitlin, Adv. Chem. Phys., 1994, 87, 125. 7 H. J. Liebe, J. A. Hufford and T. Manabe, J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1991, 12, 659. 8 H. D. Downing and D. Williams, J. Geophys. Res., 1975, 80, 1656. 9 L. W. Pinkley, P. P. Sethna and D. Williams, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1976, 67, 494. 10 P. Debye, Polyarnye moleculy (Polar molecules), GONTI, Moscowndash; Leningrad, 1931 (in Russian). 11 I. T. Goronoskii, Yu. P. Nazarenko and E. F. Necryach, Kratkii spravochnik khimika (Short handbook of chemist), ed. O. D. Kurilenko, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1965 (in Russian). 12 V. V. Brekhovskikh and V. I. Gaiduk, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika (in press) (in Russian). 13 B. Curnutte and J. Bandeker, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1972, 41, 500. T( ) p 8 --- mHM I ------------- M NA T( ) ------------------- 1 3 � ndash;egrave; oslash; aelig; ouml; , = (16) r s b Figure 4 The temperature dependence of the libration amplitude b obtained for the rotational cell model of water. Points ndash; the b-values fitted for the hybrid model at T =1, 27 and 50 deg;C (from left to right). b/deg; 200 150 100 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Reduced temperature TR Received: Moscow, 27th September 1996 Cambridge, 17th January 1997; Com. 6/0666
机译:门捷列夫通讯电子版,第 2 期。1997 年(第 47-86 页)预测具有热 HO2 偶极子的液态水的 FIR 吸收作为平移带的原因 Vladimir I. Gaiduk* 和 Vladimir V. Gaiduk 无线电工程与电子研究所,俄罗斯科学院,141120 Fryazino,莫斯科地区,俄罗斯联邦。E-mail: vig169@ire216.msk.su 阐述了液态水宽带(0–1000 cm–1区域)介电谱的解析理论;假设H2O分子在具有平坦边缘的矩形势框中自由/旋转,并且大约700和200 cm–1处的自由/平移吸收带分别是由于慢速和快速重新定向粒子造成的。对液态水宽带(0-THz)介电光谱的研究1-3提供了有关水结构和分子事件时间尺度的宝贵信息。复介电常数 e(w) = e' – 即''的虚峰 e''D 位于微波区,而在 FIR 光谱区观察到自由(接近 700 cm–1)和平移(接近 200cm–1)吸收带 a(w)。这里 w 是辐射的角频率;频率 n = w/(2pc) 以 cm–1 为单位测量,c 是光速。两个吸收峰的存在是某种双峰性的证据。由于该带的分子理论尚未详细阐述,因此其性质尚未确定。这个问题是本通讯的主要目的。水的介电谱在前面已经描述过1-3,使用为约束旋转器(CR)和扩展扩散(ED)模型的组合而阐述的解析理论。在每个模型中,粒子的能量 H 在区间 [0,7] 内变化,并且由于引入了两个独立的分子组分(L 和 R),因此考虑了生命周期 t 期间不同类型的分子旋转,其中 R 粒子的比例 r- 是拟合参数(另一个组分的比例 rL 等于 1 – r)。CR 模型描述了氢键网络中水分子的自由化。L分子存在于无限深的矩形势阱中。另一个 (R) 部分的介电响应由 ED 模型通过考虑偶极子的自由旋转来描述1-3(在参考文献 2 中 – 通过考虑它们在具有余弦平方分布的保守势阱中的旋转)。在本文中,我们试图证明以下建议的有效性:4 可以使用足够的(“帽子”)分子间电位分布来描述液态水的双峰吸收/低频德拜光谱,即不使用两个独立引入的分子集合。此外,我们提出了一种简单的计算方法,该计算的主要特征是能够预测频率区域[0,1000 cm–1]中液态水的取向光谱。特别地研究了温度T对该光谱的影响。我们还表明,如果将 Tcr 视为所采用的分子旋转模型不复存在的点,则可以计算液态水的临界温度 Tcr。所谓的混合模型 (HM)5,6 应用于液态水,该液态水以前用于描述简单非缔合液体(如 CH3F)的 0-THz 光谱。在 HM 中,电位剖面具有两个矩形电位盒的形式,深度为 U0,角宽度为 2b。一个盒子相对于另一个盒子旋转角度 p(图 1)。两个子集合(L 和 R)在此模型中固有地出现。能量 H U0 的热 R 粒子进行自由旋转,它们的比例 r = r (U0,b) 是井几何形状的函数。液体的低频(德拜)光谱似乎是由于偶极子的诱导群在强烈碰撞的影响下从一个井到另一个井的跃迁而均衡。L-和R-颗粒的平均旋转频率决定了在水中观察到的两个吸收峰的位置nL和nR。基于线性介电响应理论的公式,6 用于吸收 a(w) 和复介电常数 e* = e' + ie''(* 是复共轭符号).a 和 e* 的关系如下: 其中 是折射率.液体(水)中分子的偶极矩m与孤立分子的矩m0有关:km是校正系数(km=约1.12),n¥是光学折射率(n¥2=约1.7)。与U电位相关的介电响应是各向异性的,并且是针对局部(在寿命t期间)配置计算的。该响应由谱函数 (SF) K||(z) 和 K^(z) 表征。SF的参数z是无量纲复数频率z,I是分子的惯性矩,为简单起见,我们认为是线性的,kB是玻尔兹曼常数。按照通常的方法,我们将 I 定义如下:1/I = 1/2(1/Ix + 1 / Iy),其中 Ix 和 Iy 是不对称顶部分子围绕垂直于偶极矩矩矢量的主轴的惯性矩。分子形态的影响对于描述水蒸气中离散旋转光谱非常重要。在势阱较深的凝聚态(液态)下,水的主要光谱特性与分子间势势对分子旋转的影响有关,即对 U0 /(kBT) A B –b 0 b p A B C C D D E 0 90 180 270 U0 /(kBT) (a) (b) 图 1 与混合模型中使用的双阱矩形势相关的几何方案。矩形 (a) 和极坐标 (b) 坐标系。对于空间配置,图(b)转换为由球面连接的两个圆锥体。* c ( )Im *( ) Re *( ) --------------------------------- 2p n ------------- , = = '' (1) w e n e e a n Re *() º e 0k n2¥ 2 +( ) 3 ---------------------- = (2) m m m z x iy;y + , I 2kBT( ) [ ]1 2 , = = (3) 'h t 'h门捷列夫通讯电子版,第 2 期。1997 年(第 47-86 页)将几乎自由的转子转变为 librators。相应地,在水中,与蒸汽中最大吸收的位置相比,吸收峰显着转移到更高的频率。我们理论研究的主要对象是复定向磁化率c*。各向同性极性介质和等温碰撞模型(见参考文献 6)由下式给出 平均(在所有方向上)SF L(z) 由下式给出 该 SF 应用于各向同性极性介质。计算该 L(z) SF 的一般方法在参考文献 6 中描述。对于锥体中偶极子的小振幅 (b 50°C时,密度r和振幅b随着T的升高而发生显著变化(图4)。从物理推理来看,最大射滤角bmax约为p/2.对于水,如果温度Tmax = 628 K,则达到该b值,刚好接近临界温度Tcr = 647 K,差异仅为3%。12 我们发现,对于 T < 50 °C,旋转单元模型给出了定性估计(见图 4),因为方程 (16) 产生的 b 振幅随 T 变化的速度比拟合的 HM 振幅慢。因此,对于低温(T < 50 °C),分子旋转由冰状四面体水结构更快地决定;莫勒库利斯的情况与确定液体细胞模型的分子旋转的简单气体样图片不对应。因此,我们发现了导致R粒子存在的物理机制,后者总是用于计算水中的取向光谱1-3。R分子具有更高的旋转迁移率,并且在混合模型中固有地表现为超屏障“热”粒子。这些分子是nR = 约200 cm–1附近“平移”吸收峰的原因。在HM的框架中,我们详细阐述了一种简单的方法来预测a(n)、e'(n)、e''(n)和n(n)的宽带(n<1000 cm–1)介电谱,即吸收、介电常数和折射率的分量。我们还表明,临界温度 Tcr 对应于液体的极限状态,其中解放幅值 b 达到其最大可能值 bmax » p/2。看来,我们认为热的H2O偶极子是平移带的起源,这与另一个(参见例如参考文献13)的推理并不矛盾,根据该推理,该带与H键合的H2O和D2O分子的分子间振动有关。这些振动伴随着 H2O 偶极子的旋转运动。不幸的是,现有的氢键理论无法描述水的宽带介电光谱,即使在本研究的水平上也是如此。在95-03-0-8214a号授权的框架中完成了能够预测水光谱/其临界温度的方法的阐述,而在96-05-65379号授权的框架中研究了对光谱的潜在井效应。这两项赠款都得到了俄罗斯基础研究基金会的支持。参考文献 1 V.I. Gaiduk, T. A. Novskova and V. V. Brekhovskikh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1993, 89, 1975.2 V. I. Gaiduk 和 V. V. Gaiduk, Physica A, 1995, 222, 46.3 V. I. Gaiduk、V. D. Gus'kova 和 T. A.Novskova,消息报 Vyssh。乌切布恩。Zaved., Radiofiz., 1988, 31, 799 (俄文).4 V.I.盖杜克,门捷列夫公社,1994年,第15页。5 V. I. Gaiduk, T. A. Novskova and V. V. Brekhovskikh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1991, 87, 559.6 V. I. Gaiduk 和 B. M. Tseitlin, Adv. Chem. Phys., 1994, 87, 125.7 H. J. Liebe, J. A. Hufford 和 T. Manabe, J. 红外线和毫米波, 1991, 12, 659.8 H. D. Downing 和 D. Williams, J. Geophys。研究,1975年,第80页,第1656页。9 L. W. Pinkley, P. P. Sethna and D. Williams, J. Opt. Soc. Am., 1976, 67, 494.10 P. Debye, Polyarnye moleculy (Polar molecules), GONTI, Moscow–Leningrad, 1931 (俄文).11 I. T. Goronoskii, Yu.P. Nazarenko 和 E. F. Necryach, Kratkii spravochnik khimika(化学家简明手册),O. D. Kurilenko 编辑,Naukova Dumka,基辅,1965 年(俄文)。12 V. V. Brekhovskikh 和 V. I. Gaiduk, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika (出版中) (俄文)。13 B. Curnutte 和 J. Bandeker, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1972, 41, 500.T( ) p 8 --- mHM I ------------- M NA T( ) ------------------- 1 3 –è ø æ ö , = (16) r s b 图 4 水的旋转单元模型得到的射平幅值 b 的温度依赖性。点 – 在 T =1、27 和 50 °C(从左到右)下为混合模型拟合的 b 值。b/° 200 150 100 50 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 降低温度 TR 收稿日期: 莫斯科,1996 年 9 月 27 日 剑桥,1997 年 1 月 17 日;通讯 6/0666




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