首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Air filter media functionalized with beta-Cyclodextrin for efficient adsorption of volatile organic compounds

Air filter media functionalized with beta-Cyclodextrin for efficient adsorption of volatile organic compounds


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Respiratory air filter media invariably comprise a nonwoven textile fabric. The limitation of the existing fibrous air filter medium is negligible protection against hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In this study, the filter media was cross-linked with beta-Cyclodextrin for the surface functionalization. The VOC adsorption performance of the functional fabric was explored for styrene, benzene, and formaldehyde and also compared with a commercial nonwoven face mask. The functionalized fabric performed much better than commercial masks with adsorption capabilities of 18.80 mu g mg(-1)(for xylene), 14.75 mu g mg(-1)(for benzene), and 0.06 mu g mg(-1)(for formaldehyde). Further, the cross-linking did not affect the air permeability (204 cm(3)cm(-2)s(-1)) thus showing no resistance to breathing. beta-Cyclodextrin functionalized textiles can be promising respiratory air filter media having the potential to capture a variety of VOCs yet remain breathable.
机译:呼吸空气过滤介质总是由无纺布组成。现有纤维空气过滤介质的局限性是,对有害挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 的保护可以忽略不计。在这项研究中,过滤介质与β-环糊精交联以实现表面功能化。研究了功能性织物对苯乙烯、苯和甲醛的VOC吸附性能,并与商用无纺布口罩进行了比较。功能化织物的性能远优于商用口罩,吸附能力分别为18.80 μ g mg(-1)(二甲苯)、14.75 μ g mg(-1)(苯)和0.06 μ g mg(-1)(甲醛)。此外,交联不影响透气性(204 cm(3)cm(-2)s(-1)),因此没有呼吸阻力。β-环糊精功能化纺织品可以成为很有前途的呼吸空气过滤介质,具有捕获各种挥发性有机化合物的潜力,同时保持透气性。




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