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Preparing Longwools for Worsted Spinning Part 1: Flick Carding Combing

机译:准备用于精纺纺纱的长毛第 1 部分:轻弹梳理和梳理

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According to the British Wool Marketing Board's breed book we have several breeds in the UK which come under the heading of Longwool Lustre. Among these are Bluefaced Leicester, Cotswold, Dartmoor, Devon Cornwall Longwool, Leicester Longwool, Lincoln, Masham, Romney, Teeswater and Wensleydale. Of these the shortest is the Bluefaced Leicester at 3-6in (8-15cm), which is probably included in the category due to its lustre rather than length. The title of the longest longwool must go to the Masham (a cross between either a Teeswater or Wensleydale ram and a ewe from one of the hill breeds such as Dalesbred or Swaledale), with a maximum length of 15in (38cm). The chart below has further details of fibre lengths. If you can't get hold of one of these breeds, I suggest trying a fleece of at least a six-inch staple length, to get a feel for preparing these longer wools.
机译:根據英國羊毛銷售委員會的育种書籍,我們在英國有幾個犬種,屬於Longwool & Lustre的頭目。其中包括蓝脸莱斯特,科茨沃尔德,达特穆尔,德文郡和康沃尔郡长毛,莱斯特长毛,林肯,马沙姆,罗姆尼,蒂斯沃特和温斯利代尔。其中最短的是蓝脸莱斯特,为 3-6 英寸(8-15 厘米),由于其光泽而不是长度,它可能被列入该类别。最长的长毛的头衔必须归于Masham(蒂斯沃特或温斯利代尔公羊与来自Dalesbred或Swaledale等山地品种之一的母羊之间的杂交),最大长度为15英寸(38厘米)。下表提供了纤维长度的更多详细信息。如果你买不到这些品种之一,我建议你尝试至少六英寸长的羊毛,以了解准备这些较长羊毛的感觉。




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