首页> 外文期刊>Instruments and Experimental Techniques >A Method for Measuring the Transfer Function of Digital Cameras Used in Biomedical Computer Vision Systems

A Method for Measuring the Transfer Function of Digital Cameras Used in Biomedical Computer Vision Systems


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The experimental results of testing the transfer function of Canon EOS 500D, AxioCam HS, and ToupCam 14MP cameras using the method proposed in this paper are presented. A diode-pumped solid-state laser (with a wavelength of 477 nm), an He-Ne laser (632.8 nm), and a tungsten-halogen lamp were used as light sources. The radiation power was varied by a spectral nine-stage attenuator (no. 7880171) and colored glasses (GOST 9411-91). It is shown that specialized cameras provide a shooting mode with a linear transfer function, while the transfer function for commercial cameras is linearized by its gamma correction.
机译:本文介绍了使用本文提出的方法测试佳能EOS 500D、AxioCam HS和ToupCam 14MP相机传递函数的实验结果。采用二极管泵浦固体激光器(波长为477 nm)、氦氖激光器(632.8 nm)和卤钨灯作为光源。辐射功率由光谱九级衰减器(7880171号)和有色眼镜(GOST 9411-91)改变。结果表明,专用相机提供具有线性传递函数的拍摄模式,而商用相机的传递函数则通过其伽马校正进行线性化。




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