首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics >Ocular myasthenia gravis-like symptoms associated with erenumab: Case report

Ocular myasthenia gravis-like symptoms associated with erenumab: Case report

机译:与 erenumab 相关的重症眼肌无力样症状:病例报告

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Objective: We present a case of a patient who developed myasthenia gravis (MG)-like symptoms during erenumab treatment. Case report: The patient had a years long history of chronic migraine with visual and sensory aura. Two months after the beginning of erenumab therapy, she reported intermittent bilateral weakness of the eyelids, with ptosis. The eyelid ptosis was severe enough to block the patient's vision. The symptoms would usually last between 5 and 10 minutes and resolve completely spontaneously, but they repeated on a daily basis. Antibodies against acetylcholine receptors and muscle-specific kinase were all negative, and other work-up excluded the usual etiology of ptosis. Since the cause of symptoms was not detected, we suspected they were induced by erenumab. The treatment was discontinued, and after 7 weeks from the last dose of erenumab, ocular symptoms resolved completely. In the presented case, other possible causes of MG like symptoms were excluded by diagnostic tests and clinical course of the disease. The temporal relationship between the administration of erenumab and occurrence of ptosis, with regression of the symptoms after the drug discontinuation supports the hypothesis of causal relationship with erenumab. According to the Naranjo's Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale, erenumabrelated MG-like symptoms were rated 'probable'. Reviewing the literature, we identified no similar case reports. Conclusion: Drug induced MG-like symptoms might be life threatening. Therefore, clinicians should be aware of these adverse reactions during the use of erenumab.
机译:目的:我们介绍一例患者在erenumab治疗期间出现重症肌无力(MG)样症状。病例报告:患者有多年的慢性偏头痛病史,伴有视觉和感觉先兆。在erenumab治疗开始两个月后,她报告了间歇性双侧眼睑无力,并伴有上睑下垂。眼睑上睑下垂严重到足以阻挡患者的视力。症状通常持续 5 到 10 分钟,并完全自发消退,但每天都会重复出现。针对乙酰胆碱受体和肌肉特异性激酶的抗体均为阴性,其他检查排除了上睑下垂的常见病因。由于没有检测到症状的原因,我们怀疑它们是由erenumab诱导的。停止治疗,在最后一次服用 erenumab 7 周后,眼部症状完全消退。在所提出的病例中,通过诊断测试和疾病的临床过程排除了MG样症状的其他可能原因。erenumab的给药与上睑下垂发生之间的时间关系,以及停药后症状的消退,支持与erenumab因果关系的假设。根据 Naranjo 的药物不良反应概率量表,erenumab 相关的 MG 样症状被评为“可能”。回顾文献,我们没有发现类似的病例报告。结论:药物诱发的MG样症状可能危及生命。因此,临床医生在使用erenumab期间应注意这些不良反应。




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