首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Geology and hydrothermal alteration in the Organullo district (Au-Cu-Bi): Evidence of overlapping hydrothermal systems, Argentinian Puna

Geology and hydrothermal alteration in the Organullo district (Au-Cu-Bi): Evidence of overlapping hydrothermal systems, Argentinian Puna


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The Organullo District is located in the NE of the Argentinian Puna, Salta province. The mineralization is associated with Miocene andesitic to dacitic subvolcanic domes. In this work, we described the geology of the area, characterizing the host rocks of the hydrothermal alteration and the mineralization of the District. We defined that the mineralized system corresponds to veins and stockworks of quartz veinlets with sulphides hosted in the Puncoviscana, Parcha/Agua de Castilla, Organullo Ignimbrite, and Rumibola formations.Based on illite ages, the oldest event (109.5 +/- 2.2 Ma and 137.2 +/- 2.7 Ma) correspond to a thermic episode, occurred during the cretaceous rifting.We also defined two Neogene hydrothermal events. The first illite age (middle Miocene, 14.6 +/- 0.2 Ma) corresponds to an incipient porphyry system characterized by phyllic alteration with three types of veinlets composed of: quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite, molybdenite (type B); quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite, with or without bornite (type D) and green sericite-chlorite-pyrite-bornite (type C). The second and youngest age (early Miocene/ Pliocene, 5.33 +/- 0.3 Ma) corresponds to a high sulphidation epithermal system characterized by advanced argillic alteration with enargite-famatinite-gold. These two overlapping mineralized systems, enhance the pro-spective importance in the region.
机译:Organullo区位于阿根廷萨尔塔省普纳的东北部。矿化与中新世安山岩至达西岩次火山穹顶有关。在这项工作中,我们描述了该地区的地质情况,描述了热液蚀变的母岩和该地区的矿化。我们定义,矿化系统对应于石英脉的矿脉和矿脉,这些矿脉含有硫化物,位于 Puncoviscana、Parcha/Agua de Castilla、Organullo Ignimbrite 和 Rumibola 地层中。根据伊利石年龄,最古老的事件(109.5 +/- 2.2 马和 137.2 +/- 2.7 马)对应于白垩纪裂谷期间发生的热事件。我们还定义了两个新近纪热液事件。第一个伊利石时代(中新世中期,14.6 +/- 0.2 马)对应于一个早期的斑岩系统,其特征是叶状蚀变,具有三种类型的脉络,包括:石英-黄铁矿-黄铜矿、辉钼矿(B型);石英-黄铁矿-黄铜矿,含或不含斑铁矿(D 型)和绿色绢云母-绿泥石-黄铁矿-斑铁矿(C 型)。第二个也是最年轻的年龄(中新世早期/上新世,5.33 +/- 0.3 马)对应于一个高硫化浅成热液系统,其特征是具有铬铁矿-法玛汀-金的高级泥质蚀变。这两个重叠的矿化系统增强了该地区的重要性。




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