首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Effect of hyperbranched poly(trimellitic glyceride)/oxidized starch composite sizing agent on the adhesion of polyester yarns

Effect of hyperbranched poly(trimellitic glyceride)/oxidized starch composite sizing agent on the adhesion of polyester yarns


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Oxidized starch is an environmentally friendly sizing agent, but lacks adhesion to polyester yarns. In this study, hyperbranched poly(trimellitic glyceride)/oxidized starch (PTG/OS) as the composite sizing agent is used for sizing polyester yarns. The properties of sizing film, sizing paste, and sizing yarns are studied. When PTG content ranges from 2 to 10 wt, tensile strength of PTGs/OS films are higher than that of oxidized starch film, and increase as molecular weight of PTG increase. Tensile strength of OS, PTG-1/OS, PTG-2/OS, and PTG-3/OS films with 10 wt PTG is 20.5, 22.4, 23.8, and 27.6 MPa, respectively. Apparent viscosity and viscosity stability of PTG/OS paste increases with the increase of PTG molecular weight. Breaking force, elongation at break and work-to-break of sizing polyester yarns by PTG/OS increase with the increase of PTG content in composite sizing agents, and the improvement on the tensile properties of sizing polyester yarns by PTG/OS becomes better with increase of PTG molecular weight. It is attributed to the stronger affinity among oxidized starch, PTG and polyester, which is verified by FT-IR, XPS, and SEM. Oxidized starch blended hyperbranched poly(trimellitic glyceride) has the potential application for sizing polyester yarns in weaving process.
机译:氧化淀粉是一种环保的上浆剂,但对涤纶纱线缺乏附着力。本研究采用超支化聚偏苯三基甘油酯/氧化淀粉(PTG/OS)作为复合上浆剂,用于涤纶纱线的上浆。研究了上浆膜、上浆浆和上浆纱的性能。当PTG含量在2-10 wt%之间时,PTGs/OS薄膜的拉伸强度高于氧化淀粉薄膜,并随着PTG分子量的增加而增加。PTG含量为10 wt%的OS、PTG-1/OS、PTG-2/OS和PTG-3/OS薄膜的拉伸强度分别为20.5、22.4、23.8和27.6 MPa。随着PTG/OS浆料的增大,PTG/OS浆料的表观黏度和黏度稳定性均随PTG分子量的增加而增加。随着复合施胶剂中PTG含量的增加,PTG/OS对上浆涤纶纱线的断裂力、断裂伸长率和断裂功均有增大,PTG/OS对上浆涤纶纱线拉伸性能的改善随着PTG分子量的增加而变好。氧化淀粉、PTG和聚酯之间的亲和力更强,通过FT-IR、XPS和SEM验证了这一点。 氧化淀粉混纺超支化聚(偏苯三基甘油酯)在织造过程中具有潜在的聚酯纱线上浆应用。




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