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Disability Rights During COVID-19: Emergency Law and Guidelines in England

机译:COVID-19 期间的残疾人权利:英格兰的紧急状态法和准则

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Disabled people may be disproportionately impacted by the response to the COVID-19 outbreak because of the kinds of countermeasures needed to tackle it, and serious disruptions to the services on which they rely. There are reports from the disability community in England and elsewhere that measures taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 impact negatively on their human rights and experiences. This commentary focuses on the healthcare and social care systems in England and describes how laws and practices have changed under the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these changes affect the rights of disabled people.
机译:对COVID-19疫情的应对措施可能会对残疾人造成不成比例的影响,因为应对疫情所需的各种对策,以及他们所依赖的服务受到严重干扰。英格兰和其他地方的残疾人社区有报告称,为遏制COVID-19传播而采取的措施对他们的人权和经历产生了负面影响。本评论重点关注英格兰的医疗保健和社会护理系统,并描述了在 COVID-19 大流行下法律和实践如何变化,以及这些变化如何影响残疾人的权利。




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