首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Large-arena field cage releases of a candidate classical biological control agent for spotted wing drosophila suggest low risk to non-target species

Large-arena field cage releases of a candidate classical biological control agent for spotted wing drosophila suggest low risk to non-target species


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Classical biological control, i.e., the introduction of natural enemies from an invasive pest's area of origin, has been proposed repeatedly to control the spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii in the Americas and in Europe. Results from surveys in Asia and laboratory experiments suggest the parasitoid G1 Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis as a suitable biological control agent. To study the host specificity of the parasitoid under semi-field conditions, we conducted large-arena field cage releases. Parasitoids were released into cages at three dates in August 2021 in two regions of Switzerland. Released parasitoids had the choice to parasitize either D. suzukii larvae in fresh fruits (blueberries or elderberries) or the non-target native species D. melanogaster in decomposing fruits. The results were unequivocal in that apparent parasitism of D. suzukii larvae feeding in fresh fruits was on average 15, whereas only one parasitoid emerged from D. melanogaster feeding on decomposing fruits (0.02 parasitism). Thus, the results support findings from previous laboratory experiments that G1 G. cf. brasiliensis is highly specific to D. suzukii larvae feeding in fresh fruits and parasitism of the closely related D. melanogaster feeding on decomposing fruits is very rare. Because in its invaded range, D. suzukii is the only Drosophila species that can attack and develop in undamaged fresh fruits, we conclude that open field releases of the parasitoid G1 G. cf. brasiliensis should not pose significant risks to non-targets.
机译:在美洲和欧洲,人们一再提出经典的生物防治方法,即从入侵害虫的原产地引入天敌,以控制斑翅果蝇 铃木果蝇。亚洲调查和实验室实验结果表明,寄生虫G1 Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis是一种合适的生物防治剂。为了研究类寄生虫在半野外条件下的宿主特异性,我们进行了大型场外笼释放。2021 年 8 月,在瑞士的两个地区,类寄生虫在三个日期被释放到笼子里。释放的类寄生虫可以选择寄生在新鲜水果(蓝莓或接骨木浆果)中的铃木雄虫幼虫或腐烂果实中的非目标本地物种黑腹果蝇。结果是明确的,因为以新鲜果实为食的铃木蝇幼虫的明显寄生性平均为15%,而以腐烂果实为食的黑腹蝇中只有一种寄生虫(寄生率为0.02%)。因此,结果支持了先前实验室实验的结果,即 G1 G. cf. brasiliensis 对以新鲜水果为食的 D. suzukii 幼虫具有高度特异性,而密切相关的黑腹果蝇以腐烂果实为食的寄生非常罕见。因为在其入侵范围内,D. suzukii 是唯一可以在未受损的新鲜果实中攻击和发育的果蝇物种,因此我们得出结论,类寄生虫 G1 G. cf.Brasiliensis不应对非目标构成重大风险。




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