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Does turning up the heat affect how salmon eat?


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Chinook salmon have tremendous cultural, economic and ecological value in North America - plus, they're delicious. Unfortunately, at their southern range limit in central California, Chinook face several challenges that threaten their survival. One of the most concerning is the large swings in temperature they currently experience, which are expected to worsen due to climate change and human alterations to river water flow. The good news is that managers can help the fish by strategically releasing water from dams to control the temperature of their freshwater habitat. In order to know when, where and how much water to release into the rivers, managers need to know what temperatures keep the fish happy and healthy. Researcher Vanessa Lo at the University of California, Davis, USA, worked with colleagues from the University of California, Davis, the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, USA, to inform Chinook conservation efforts in California by determining which temperatures the fish thrive in.
机译:奇努克鲑鱼在北美具有巨大的文化、经济和生态价值,而且它们味道鲜美。不幸的是,在加利福尼亚州中部的南部范围极限,奇努克面临着威胁其生存的几个挑战。其中最令人担忧的是它们目前经历的温度大幅波动,由于气候变化和人类对河水流量的改变,预计这种情况会恶化。好消息是,管理人员可以通过战略性地从水坝中放水来帮助鱼类,以控制其淡水栖息地的温度。为了知道何时、何地以及向河流中释放多少水,管理人员需要知道什么温度可以让鱼保持快乐和健康。美国加州大学戴维斯分校的研究员Vanessa Lo与加州大学戴维斯分校、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学和美国NOAA西南渔业科学中心的同事合作,通过确定鱼类在什么温度下茁壮成长,为加利福尼亚州的奇努克保护工作提供信息。




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