首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoactive drugs >Too Much Information? Excessive Media Use, Maladaptive Coping, and Increases in Problematic Cannabis Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Too Much Information? Excessive Media Use, Maladaptive Coping, and Increases in Problematic Cannabis Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic


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During a health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, the public depends on the media for accurate and up-to-date information. However, frequent use of media for COVID-19-related information may be associated with maladaptive coping, and with increased prevalence of substance use. This study examined indirect associations between the frequency of media use for information about COVID-19 and increases in cannabis use behaviors through maladaptive coping strategies. We use data from an online survey of Israeli adult cannabis users (N = 440), conducted in May of 2020, to test associations between media use frequency for COVID-19 information and three problematic cannabis use behaviors: increased cannabis use, increased use alone, and increased use before midday. Among all respondents, 41 agreed that their cannabis use had increased since the onset of the pandemic. Analyses showed that higher frequency of media use was positively associated with all three indicators of problematic cannabis use, and that associations were partly mediated by maladaptive coping strategies. Higher frequency of media use for information about COVID-19 may be an indicator of difficulty with coping and of increased risk of escalation of cannabis use. These results have implications for assessing and mitigating the risk of coping-motivated cannabis use during a crisis.
机译:在像 COVID-19 大流行这样的健康危机期间,公众依靠媒体获得准确和最新的信息。然而,频繁使用媒体获取COVID-19相关信息可能与适应不良应对和物质使用率增加有关。这项研究通过适应不良的应对策略检查了媒体使用频率与大麻使用行为增加之间的间接关联。我们使用2020年5月对以色列成年大麻使用者(N = 440)进行的在线调查的数据来测试COVID-19信息的媒体使用频率与三种有问题的大麻使用行为之间的关联:增加大麻使用、增加单独使用和增加中午前使用。在所有受访者中,41%的人同意自大流行开始以来,他们的大麻使用量有所增加。分析表明,较高的媒体使用频率与大麻使用问题的所有三个指标呈正相关,并且这种关联部分是由适应不良的应对策略介导的。使用媒体获取COVID-19信息的频率较高可能表明应对困难和大麻使用升级的风险增加。这些结果对评估和减轻危机期间以应对为动机的大麻使用的风险具有重要意义。




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