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Dialing back sugars in dairy


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In the age of Nutri-Score nutrition labels and country-specific sugar taxes, the amount of sugars included in food and beverage products is under seemingly constant attack. The pandemic only accelerated sweetener scrutiny, pushing consumers to reduce their sugars intake and dairy processors to find new ways to deliver products with lower levels of sugars. The trend is apparent in the dairy case, where Cargill's proprietary research reveals four in ten consumers report checking the amount of sugars in products like yogurt and ice cream. Those findings confirm that sizeable chunks of shoppers are paying attention to sugars, a reality inspiring action in the dairy aisle and across the food and beverage landscape.
机译:在 Nutri-Score 营养标签和特定国家/地区的糖税时代,食品和饮料产品中包含的糖含量似乎不断受到攻击。大流行只是加速了对甜味剂的审查,促使消费者减少糖的摄入量,并促使乳制品加工商寻找新的方法来提供含糖量较低的产品。这种趋势在乳制品案例中很明显,嘉吉的专有研究显示,十分之四的消费者报告说检查了酸奶和冰淇淋等产品中的糖含量。这些发现证实,相当多的购物者正在关注糖,这是乳制品过道和整个食品和饮料领域的现实鼓舞人心的行动。




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