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On powers of countably pracompact groups


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? 2023 Elsevier B.V.In 1990, Comfort asked: is there, for every cardinal number α≤2c, a topological group G such that Gγ is countably compact for all cardinals γ<α, but Gα is not countably compact? A similar question can also be asked for countably pracompact groups: for which cardinals α is there a topological group G such that Gγ is countably pracompact for all cardinals γ<α, but Gα is not countably pracompact? In this paper we construct such group in the case α=ω, assuming the existence of c incomparable selective ultrafilters, and in the case α=κ+, with ω≤κ≤2c, assuming the existence of 2c incomparable selective ultrafilters. In particular, under the second assumption, there exists a topological group G so that G2c is countably pracompact, but G(2c)+ is not countably pracompact, unlike the countably compact case.
机译:?2023 Elsevier B.V.In 1990 年,Comfort 问道:对于每个基数 α≤2c,是否存在一个拓扑群 G,使得 Gγ 对于所有基数 γ<α 都是可数紧的,但 Gα 不是可数紧的?对于可数泛紧群也可以提出类似的问题:对于哪些基数α是否存在拓扑群 G,使得 Gγ 对于所有基数 γ<α 都是可数泛紧的,但 Gα 不是可数的泛紧群?在本文中,假设存在 c 个不可比的选择性超滤器,在 α α=κ+ 的情况下,假设存在 2c 个不可比的选择性超滤器,在 =κ+ 的情况下,我们用 ω≤κ≤2c 构建了这样的群。特别是,在第二个假设下,存在一个拓扑群 G,因此 G2c 是可数的 pracompact,但 G(2c)+ 不是可数的 pracompact,这与可数紧的情况不同。




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