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Health implications among school children due to fluoride in underground aquifers of Haryana state, India


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Abstract Potable water requirements for 98 of people in Haryana (India) are accomplished by groundwater resources. Considering the presence of high fluoride content in ground aquifers, and the subsequent problem of dental fluorosis, this study was conducted in the central region of Haryana state. Underground water samples at eight sites at three depths were examined during premonsoon and postmonsoon (2018–2020) to differentiate the impact of water recharging and its interaction with rocks. The SPADANS‐zirconyl oxychloride method (UV–vis spectrophotometer – Systronics 118) was adopted for fluoride‐level detection. The fluoride level in sampling sites varied from 0.19 to 2.87?ppm with a mean of 1.06?ppm in water samples. More than 38 of samples did not meet the optimum permissible limit (1?ppm) of fluoride in potable water. The fluoride level intensifies in postmonsoon samples with the maximum concentration at 40 m bgl depth. Estimated marginal mean statistics illustrate a significant impact of locations, depth of water sample, and monsoon season on fluoride levels. Fluorosis prevalence among school‐going children (N?=?1600) was also assessed (Dean's index) to gain implications of fluoride concentration on health. Forty‐nine percent of children suffer from various levels of dental fluorosis with male children had high occurrences. Public health authorities must ensure safe drinking water availability and preventive measures for fluorosis prevalence in this region through defluoridation of water resources and distribution of calcium/ascorbic acid food supplement to school children.
机译:摘要 印度哈里亚纳邦98%的人口的饮用水需求由地下水资源完成。考虑到地下含水层中氟化物含量高,以及随之而来的氟斑牙问题,这项研究在哈里亚纳邦中部地区进行。在季风前和季风后(2018-2020年)检查了三个深度的八个地点的地下水样本,以区分补水的影响及其与岩石的相互作用。采用SPADANS-锆氯氧氯醚法(紫外-可见分光光度计-Systronics 118)进行氟化物水平检测。采样点的氟化物含量由0.19至2.87%不等,水样的平均氟化物含量为1.06%ppm。超过38%的样本未达最佳允许限值(1?ppm)。在季风后样品中,氟化物水平增强,在40 m bgl深度处浓度最大。估计的边际平均统计数据说明了位置、水样深度和季风季节对氟化物水平的重大影响。还评估了学龄儿童氟中毒患病率(N?=?1600)(Dean's index),以获得氟化物浓度对健康的影响。49%的儿童患有不同程度的氟斑牙,其中男孩的发病率很高。公共卫生当局必须通过对水资源进行除氟和向学龄儿童分发钙/抗坏血酸食品补充剂,确保该地区安全饮用水的供应和氟中毒流行的预防措施。




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