
Hackmanite-The Natural Glow-in-the-Dark Material


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"Glow-in-the-dark" materials are known to practically everyone who has ever traveled by airplane or cruise ship, since they are commonly used for self-lit emergency exit signs. The green afterglow, persistent luminescence (PeL), is obtained from divalent europium doped to a synthetic strontium aluminate, but there are also some natural minerals capable of afterglow. One such mineral is hackmanite, the afterglow of which has never been thoroughly investigated, even if its synthetic versions can compete with some of the best commercially available synthetic PeL materials. Here we combine experimental and computational data to show that the white PeL of natural hackmanite is generated and controlled by a very delicate interplay between the natural impurities present. The results obtained shed light on the PeL phenomenon itself thus giving insight into improving the performance of synthetic materials.
机译:几乎每个乘坐飞机或游轮旅行的人都知道“夜光”材料,因为它们通常用于自发光紧急出口标志。绿色余辉,持续发光(PeL),是由掺杂到合成铝酸锶的二价铕中获得的,但也有一些能够余辉的天然矿物。其中一种矿物是哈克曼石,其余辉从未被彻底研究过,即使它的合成版本可以与一些最好的商业合成 PeL 材料竞争。在这里,我们结合实验和计算数据表明,天然骇客石的白色PeL是由存在的天然杂质之间非常微妙的相互作用产生和控制的。所获得的结果揭示了PeL现象本身,从而为提高合成材料的性能提供了见解。




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