首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Deuteration-Enhanced Negative Thermal Expansion and Negative Area Compressibility in a Three-Dimensional Hydrogen Bonded Network

Deuteration-Enhanced Negative Thermal Expansion and Negative Area Compressibility in a Three-Dimensional Hydrogen Bonded Network


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Negative area compressibility (NAC) and negative thermal expansion (NTE) are material behaviors raising high hope for applications such as ultrasensitive manometry and thermometry. However,the group of NAC materials is primarily limited to two-dimensional (2D) coordination compounds whose layered structure is prone to bidirectional compression when pressurized. Here,we report an alternative strategy that does not employ the formation of metal—organic systems but takes advantage of the pliability of hydrogen-bonded networks for searching materials with very rare NLC and NAC behaviors. Indeed,a strong NAC property,coupled with large NTE,has been identified for the hydrogen-bonded hydrochloride salt of L-arginine homologue (S)-2-amino-3-guanidinopropanoic acid monochloride — (HAmGP)Cl and its deuterated analogue -(DAmGP)Cl.
机译:负面积可压缩性 (NAC) 和负热膨胀 (NTE) 是材料行为,对超灵敏测压和测温等应用寄予厚望。然而,NAC材料组主要局限于二维(2D)配位化合物,其层状结构在加压时容易发生双向压缩。在这里,我们报告了一种替代策略,该策略不采用金属有机系统的形成,而是利用氢键网络的柔韧性来搜索具有非常罕见的NLC和NAC行为的材料。事实上,L-精氨酸同系物(S)-2-氨基-3-胍基丙酸盐氯化物 — (HAmGP)Cl 及其氘代类似物 -(DAmGP)Cl 的氢键盐酸盐具有很强的 NAC 特性和较大的 NTE。




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