首页> 外文期刊>Journal of community genetics >Sickle cell disease-related knowledge and perceptions of traditional healers in tribal communities in India: implications on sickle cell disease programme

Sickle cell disease-related knowledge and perceptions of traditional healers in tribal communities in India: implications on sickle cell disease programme


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a progressively debilitating genetic disease, and India is the second most affected nation in the prevalence of births with SCD. This SCD prevalence is high among Indian indigenous tribal communities, whose healthcare is pluralistic. Traditional healers are an essential part of tribal pluralistic care. This study aimed to understand the extent of SCD-related knowledge and practices of traditional healers and their willingness to participate in the SCD programme, which is primarily meant to screen and treat SCD. Following the grounded theory approach, data were collected by in-depth interviews with 40 traditional healers selected from five SCD endemic districts. Text data were coded through a deductive approach, and thematic content analysis was carried out. A few healers knew about SCD. However, almost all are aware of anaemia and its symptoms. Most healers were unaware of the cause of SCD and mentioned that malnutrition and anaemia are reasons for the recurrence of SCD-related symptoms. Most of the traditional healers did not give any treatment. Some gave symptomatic treatment and provided herbal medicines along with some rituals. Though some healers treated some of the typical symptoms of SCD like spleen enlargement, jaundice, swelling and pains in joints, they did not link them with SCD. All traditional healers expressed concern and said they support the government-run SCD programme. The programme should recognise the role and importance of traditional healers. Necessary education on SCD may be given to the healers. Such involvement and education empower the healers in appropriately guiding the people concerning SCD care.
机译:镰状细胞病 (SCD) 是一种逐渐使人衰弱的遗传病,印度是 SCD 出生患病率第二大受影响国家。这种SCD的患病率在印度土著部落社区中很高,他们的医疗保健是多元化的。传统治疗师是部落多元化护理的重要组成部分。本研究旨在了解传统治疗师对 SCD 相关知识和实践的程度以及他们参与 SCD 计划的意愿,该计划主要用于筛查和治疗 SCD。遵循扎根理论方法,通过对从五个 SCD 流行区选出的 40 名传统治疗师进行深入访谈来收集数据。采用演绎法对文本数据进行编码,并进行专题内容分析。一些治疗师知道SCD。然而,几乎所有人都知道贫血及其症状。大多数治疗师不知道SCD的病因,并提到营养不良和贫血是SCD相关症状复发的原因。大多数传统治疗师没有给予任何治疗。一些人给予了对症治疗,并提供草药和一些仪式。虽然一些治疗师治疗了SCD的一些典型症状,如脾脏肿大、黄疸、肿胀和关节疼痛,但他们并没有将它们与SCD联系起来。所有传统治疗师都表示担忧,并表示他们支持政府运营的SCD计划。该方案应承认传统治疗师的作用和重要性。可以对治疗师进行必要的SCD教育。这种参与和教育使治疗师能够适当地指导人们进行SCD护理。




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