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Nutrition Support Therapy


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Nutrition support therapy is the delivery of formulated enteral or parenteral nutrients to restore nutritional status. Family physicians can provide nutrition support therapy to patients at risk of malnutrition when it would improve quality of life. The evidence for when to use nutrition support therapy is inconsistent and based mostly on low-quality studies. Family physicians should work with registered dietitian nutritionists to complete a comprehensive nutritional assessment for patients with acute or chronic conditions that put them at risk of malnutrition. When nutrition support therapy is required, enteral nutrition is preferred for a patient with a functioning gastrointestinal tract, even in patients who are critically ill. Parenteral nutrition has an increased risk of complications and should be administered only when enteral nutrition is contraindicated. Family physicians can use the Mifflin-St Jeor equation to calculate the resting metabolic rate, and they should consult with a registered dietitian nutritionist to determine total energy needs and select a nutritional formula. Patients receiving nutrition support therapy should be monitored for complications, including refeeding syndrome. Nutrition support therapy does not improve quality of life in patients with dementia. Clinicians should engage in shared decision-making with patients and caregivers about nutrition support in palliative and end-of-life care.
机译:营养支持疗法是提供配制的肠内或肠外营养素以恢复营养状态。家庭医生可以为有营养不良风险的患者提供营养支持治疗,以改善生活质量。关于何时使用营养支持疗法的证据不一致,主要基于低质量的研究。家庭医生应与注册营养师营养师合作,对患有急性或慢性疾病的患者进行全面的营养评估,这些疾病使他们面临营养不良的风险。当需要营养支持治疗时,肠内营养是胃肠道功能正常患者的首选,即使是危重患者也是如此。肠外营养的并发症风险增加,只有在肠内营养有禁忌证时才应给予。家庭医生可以使用Mifflin-St Jeor方程来计算静息代谢率,并应咨询注册营养师营养师,以确定总能量需求并选择营养配方。接受营养支持治疗的患者应监测并发症,包括再喂养综合征。营养支持疗法不能改善痴呆患者的生活质量。临床医生应与患者和照护者就姑息治疗和临终关怀中的营养支持进行共同决策。



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