
Perfectly Secure Oblivious Priority Queue

机译:完全安全的 Oblivious Priority 队列

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An Oblivious Priority Queue (OPQ) is a cryptographicprimitive that enables a client to outsource its data to a dishonest server,and also to securely manage the data according to a priority queue algorithm.Though the first OPQ achieves perfect security, it supports only twooperations; Inserting an element and extracting the top-priority element,which are the minimal requirement for a priority queue. In addition, thisOPQ allows an adversary to observe operations in progress, which leaks theexact number of elements in the data structure. On the other hand, thereare many subsequent works for OPQs that implement additional operationsof a priority queue, hide the running operations, and improve efficiency.Though the recent works realize optimal efficiency, all of them achieve onlystatistical or computational security. Aiming to reconcile perfect securityof the first OPQ with all functions (including the operation hiding) supportedby recent OPQs, we construct a novel perfectly secure OPQ that cansimulate the following operations while hiding which one is in progress;Inserting an element, extracting the top-priority one, deleting an element,and modifying the priority of an element. The efficiency of our scheme isO(log~2 N), which is larger than that of the best known statistically secureOPQ but is the same as the known perfectly secure scheme.
机译:Oblivious Priority Queue (OPQ) 是一种加密原语,它使客户端能够将其数据外包给不诚实的服务器,并根据优先级队列算法安全地管理数据。尽管第一个 OPQ 实现了完美的安全性,但它仅支持两种操作;插入元素并提取最高优先级元素,这是优先级队列的最低要求。此外,此 OPQ 允许攻击者观察正在进行的操作,从而泄漏数据结构中元素的确切数量。另一方面,OPQ的后续工作也有很多,实现了优先级队列的附加操作,隐藏了正在运行的操作,提高了效率。尽管最近的工作实现了最佳效率,但它们都只实现了统计或计算安全性。为了调和第一个OPQ的完美安全性与最近OPQ支持的所有功能(包括操作隐藏),我们构建了一个新颖的完全安全OPQ,它可以模拟以下操作,同时隐藏正在进行的操作;插入元素、提取优先级最高的元素、删除元素以及修改元素的优先级。我们的方案的效率为 O(log~2 N),它大于最知名的统计安全 OPQ 的效率,但与已知的完全安全方案相同。




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