首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >The Risk Model of Traffic Engineering Investment and Financing by Artificial Intelligence

The Risk Model of Traffic Engineering Investment and Financing by Artificial Intelligence


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This study aims to analyze the influencing factors and mechanisms of investment and financing risks in transportation projects so that regions do not restrict the transportation investment and financing risk models in all areas to achieve intelligent transportation financial risk assessment. Firstly, the investment and financing modes are studied and analyzed. According to the analysis of intellectual investment and the financing report of traffic engineering infrastructure, a traffic engineering investment and a financing model based on intelligent computing is established, which is based on artificial intelligence (AI) big data analysis technology. Secondly, the investment and the financing risk model of traffic engineering is established based on multimodal learning. Finally, the urban traffic engineering of Xi’an is taken as the research object. Based on its investment and financing data in the construction of urban roads, the risk assessment is carried out. Combined with risk influencing factors, the accuracy of the intelligent calculation in the risk assessment model is calculated. Different grades of urban transportation projects have different risks in the investment and financing of transportation projects. The results show that different levels of urban transport projects have different risks in the investment and financing (IAF) performance of transport projects. Among them, the risk index of the first-class project is the highest, reaching 0.55. The risk index of the second-class project is 0.49. The results before and after using the flow engineering IAF risk model are compared. In the test results of traffic engineering risk, all target risks did not increase after the AI-based traffic engineering IAF is tested. The model test results for credit risk and financial risk are the highest at 70 and 60, respectively. Combined with the actual urban development situation, this study can provide investment and financing risk models for urban transportation projects in different regions and provide a reference for the resource control of transportation projects. This study uses AI to learn and analyze traffic engineering investment and financing data and more accurately provide data references for traffic engineering investment and financing risk models.




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