首页> 外文期刊>Global public health: An international journal for research, policy and practice >Social-ecological factors associated with having a regular healthcare provider among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in Jamaica

Social-ecological factors associated with having a regular healthcare provider among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in Jamaica


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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people experience a multitude of barriers to healthcare access, particularly in highly stigmatising contexts, such as Jamaica. Access to a regular healthcare source can contribute to uptake of health knowledge and services. Yet social-ecological factors associated with access to a regular healthcare provider among LGBT persons in Jamaica are underexplored. We conducted a cross-sectional survey with LGBT persons in Jamaica to examine socio-demographic and social-ecological factors associated with having a regular healthcare provider. Nearly half (43.6) of 911 participants reported having a regular healthcare provider. In multivariate analyses, socio-demographic factors (higher age; identifying as a cisgender sexual minority man or woman compared to a transgender woman) were associated with higher odds of having a regular healthcare provider. Socio-demographic (living in Ocho Rios or Montego Bay compared to Kingston), stigma/discrimination (a bad past healthcare experience), and structural factors (insufficient money for housing; reporting medication costs as a barrier; no health insurance) were associated with decreased odds of having a regular healthcare provider. Findings support a multi-level approach to understanding and addressing barriers to having a regular healthcare provider among LGBT people in Jamaica.
机译:女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者 (LGBT) 在获得医疗保健方面面临许多障碍,尤其是在牙买加等高度污名化的环境中。获得常规的医疗保健资源有助于吸收健康知识和服务。然而,牙买加LGBT人群获得常规医疗保健提供者相关的社会生态因素尚未得到充分探索。我们对牙买加的LGBT人士进行了一项横断面调查,以研究与拥有定期医疗保健提供者相关的社会人口和社会生态因素。在911名参与者中,近一半(43.6%)的人报告说有定期的医疗保健提供者。在多变量分析中,社会人口学因素(年龄较高;与跨性别女性相比,被认定为顺性别性少数男性或女性)与拥有定期医疗保健提供者的更高几率相关。社会人口统计学(与金斯敦相比,居住在奥乔里奥斯或蒙特哥湾)、污名/歧视(过去的不良医疗保健经历)和结构性因素(住房资金不足;报告药物费用作为障碍;没有健康保险)与拥有定期医疗保健提供者的几率降低有关。研究结果支持采用多层次方法来理解和解决牙买加LGBT人群中拥有定期医疗保健提供者的障碍。




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