首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Spatial and mediation analysis of the influences of residential and workplace built environments on commuting by car

Spatial and mediation analysis of the influences of residential and workplace built environments on commuting by car


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Built environment interventions have been widely promoted to reduce car use and associated carbon emissions. Although many studies have explored the relationship between the built environment and commuting behavior, few have simultaneously accounted for the mediating role of car ownership in the relationship, the effects of both residential and workplace environments, and spatial dependence among respondents. To fill the gap, this study proposes an approach to integrate the merits of structural equation models and discrete choice models while accommodating spatial dependence. We apply it to the 2019 household travel survey data from Zhongshan, China. This study shows that spatial heterogeneity is prevalent, and that overlooking the mediating role of car ownership will produce false statistical inference and understate built environment effects. The results suggest that urban growth boundary, densification and bus supply enhancement at residential neighborhoods, and residential development clustered around centers may discourage commuting by car, whereas road investment is counterproductive.
机译:建筑环境干预措施已得到广泛推广,以减少汽车使用和相关的碳排放。尽管许多研究探讨了建筑环境与通勤行为之间的关系,但很少有人同时考虑汽车所有权在这种关系中的中介作用、居住和工作场所环境的影响以及受访者之间的空间依赖性。为了填补这一空白,本研究提出了一种在兼顾空间依赖性的同时,整合结构方程模型和离散选择模型优点的方法。我们将其应用于中国中山的 2019 年家庭旅行调查数据。本研究表明,空间异质性普遍存在,忽视汽车保有量的中介作用会产生错误的统计推断,低估建筑环境效应。结果表明,城市增长边界、居民区人口密集化和公交供应增加,以及围绕中心聚集的住宅开发可能会阻碍汽车通勤,而道路投资则适得其反。




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