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Within the home of the queen of crime


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The prospect was irresistible. Thirty-five years ago, as an archaeology graduate, I was dispatched to Winterbrook House, Agatha Christie's home in Wallingford, Oxfordshire, to collect several hundred books bequeathed to the University of London by her husband, the archaeologist Max Mallowan. So when the National Trust first acquired Greenway, Agatha and Max's holiday retreat beside the River Dart in south Devon, I had to find an excuse to go. As the then chairman of the Trust's Archaeology Panel I knew about the collection of Middle Eastern antiquities that Max had kept there. I was not, however, aware of the passionate collecting habits of the rest of the family, including those of Agatha's daughter Rosalind and her husband Anthony Hicks.
机译:前景是不可抗拒的。三十五年前,作为一名考古学毕业生,我被派往阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)位于牛津郡沃灵福德(Wallingford)的温特布鲁克之家(Winterbrook House),收集她的丈夫、考古学家马克斯·马洛扬(Max Mallowan)遗赠给伦敦大学的数百本书。因此,当国民信托组织第一次收购德文郡南部达特河畔的格林威、阿加莎和马克斯的度假胜地时,我不得不找借口去。作为当时的信托基金会考古小组主席,我知道马克斯在那里收藏了中东文物。然而,我没有意识到家里其他人的热情收藏习惯,包括阿加莎的女儿罗莎琳德和她的丈夫安东尼希克斯。




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